Cape Bor­da reopens

Cape Bor­da on Kan­ga­roo Island will reopen on Sat­ur­day, 26 September.

Cle­land Wildlife Park’s spring baby boom

Will COVID-19 lock­downs lead to more babies? While the iso­la­tion-induced sta­tis­tics aren’t yet clear for humans, at Cle­land Wildlife Park, it’s a resound­ing yes! 

Help us count dolphins

Adelaide’s annu­al dol­phin cen­sus is com­ing up and keen spot­ters are need­ed to help in the count.

Remov­ing fer­al cats from parks on Kan­ga­roo Island

Fer­al cat con­trol in parks on the west­ern end of Kan­ga­roo Island is help­ing to min­imise the cats’ impact on native wildlife recov­er­ing from bushfires.

Hope Val­ley Reser­voir to open this summer

Fam­i­lies and fit­ness lovers will soon be able to walk, cycle and explore Hope Val­ley Reser­voir for the first time in almost 150 years, with con­cept plans now approved for a range of recre­ation­al activ­i­ties at the site.