SA’s Friends of Parks and Nature vol­un­teer to con­serve our pris­tine environment

A vital group of South Aus­tralian con­ser­va­tion vol­un­teers will be cel­e­brat­ed this month with the new­ly rebadged Friends of Parks and Nature host­ing its first major forum since 2018.

Ade­laide gives the green light’ to cel­e­brate World Ranger Day

Ade­laide land­marks will trans­form into shades of green tonight with Par­lia­ment House and the Riv­er Tor­rens Foot­bridge light­ing up to mark World Ranger Day.

Ade­laide gives the green light’ to cel­e­brate World Ranger Day

Ade­laide land­marks will trans­form into shades of green tonight with Par­lia­ment House and the Riv­er Tor­rens Foot­bridge light­ing up to mark World Ranger Day.

Nom­i­na­tions open for SA’s region­al land­scape boards

Women, First Nations peo­ples and young adults are among the demo­graph­ics encour­aged to nom­i­nate to become new mem­bers of South Australia’s region­al land­scape boards.

Nom­i­na­tions open for SA’s region­al land­scape boards

Women, First Nations peo­ples and young adults are among the demo­graph­ics encour­aged to nom­i­nate to become new mem­bers of South Australia’s region­al land­scape boards.