See what’s planned: pic­nic area and look­out at Goon­dooloo Ridge

The Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail is an excit­ing new mul­ti-day walk­ing expe­ri­ence on South Australia’s Fleurieu Penin­su­la. New facil­i­ties and upgrades are planned which will enhance sec­tions of the exist­ing icon­ic Hey­sen Trail from Cape Jervis to Vic­tor Har­bor and will bet­ter con­nect nation­al parks on SA’s south coast.

South Aus­tralian park vis­i­tor num­bers boom

South Australia’s nation­al parks have expe­ri­enced a vis­i­tor boom with a 77 per cent rise in park entry num­bers in Decem­ber 2020 when com­pared to the same time in 2019.

Dive into Encounter Marine Park and Gran­ite Island Recre­ation Park this February

The warm sum­mer weath­er is per­fect for dip­ping your toes into the azure blue waters of the Fleurieu Penin­su­la, and that’s why the Encounter Marine Park and Gran­ite Island Recre­ation Park are Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Australia’s (NPWS­SA) Parks of the Month for February.

Become a vol­un­teer park ranger for Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice SA

Ever want­ed to help behind the scenes at some of South Australia’s most icon­ic Nation­al Parks? Appli­ca­tions are now open in SA’s regions for the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­tralia (NPWS­SA) Vol­un­teer Ranger Pro­gram, giv­ing par­tic­i­pants the chance to help out in some of South Australia’s most unique and beau­ti­ful parks.

New teach­ing resource to help stu­dents deep dive into marine parks

In a first for South Aus­tralia, Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice SA (NPWS­SA) and Parks Aus­tralia have teamed up to devel­op a new edu­ca­tion resource that brings marine parks into the state’s classrooms.