Mur­ray­lands parks cel­e­brat­ed in May

South Australia’s beau­ti­ful Mur­ray­lands region will be cel­e­brat­ed by Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) as our Parks of the Month in May.

Michael Har­vey appoint­ed Direc­tor of the Botan­ic Gar­dens and State Herbarium

The Board of the Botan­ic Gar­dens and State Herbar­i­um is pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Michael Har­vey as Direc­tor of this much loved, icon­ic South Aus­tralian institution.

Osprey nest lands suc­cess­ful­ly in new loca­tion on Kan­ga­roo Island

Osprey have been spot­ted in a recent­ly relo­cat­ed nest near Bay of Shoals, on Kan­ga­roo Island.

Con­struc­tion starts on Wild South Coast Way infrastructure

Infra­struc­ture upgrades have begun to roll out on the Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail, with Ade­laide com­pa­ny Har­rold and Kite begin­ning work on two exist­ing camp­sites, Eagle Water­hole in Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park and a Hey­sen Trail camp­site on Crown land adja­cent to Balquhid­der Station.

Unique autumn orchids bloom in Hale Con­ser­va­tion Park

A unique autumn-flow­er­ing orchid is cur­rent­ly in full bloom at Hale Con­ser­va­tion Park, near Williamstown in the Ade­laide Hills.