$1.5m invest­ment in works to improve access to nation­al parks

Work is under­way to give nation­al park vis­i­tors eas­i­er access to some of Adelaide’s pop­u­lar sites as part of the state government’s invest­ment in parks across South Australia. 

Record vis­i­tor num­bers for South Australia’s nation­al parks

South Australia’s nation­al parks are expe­ri­enc­ing record lev­els of pop­u­lar­i­ty as we head into school hol­i­days next weekend.

Nilpe­na is offi­cial­ly a new nation­al park

South Aus­tralia has a new nation­al park with Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park offi­cial­ly pro­claimed – it will replace the exist­ing Edi­acara Con­ser­va­tion Park and add near­ly 60,000 hectares of extra pro­tect­ed land. 

New vis­i­tor expe­ri­ences on fast track for South­ern Flinders Precinct

Two new projects are set to shine a spot­light on the state’s spec­tac­u­lar South­ern Flinders Ranges fol­low­ing design con­tracts being award­ed to South Aus­tralian companies.

Nation­al park sites ben­e­fit from fed­er­al her­itage grants

Two South Aus­tralian nation­al parks will ben­e­fit from the lat­est round of the Aus­tralian Her­itage Grants Pro­gram, with Dal­housie Springs in Witji­ra Nation­al Park and Nara­coorte Caves Nation­al Park receiv­ing funds.