A number of South Australia’s threatened species will be tracked over the next three years following the January 2021 Cherry Gardens bushfire.
Stretching from the coast to the hills in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, the Glenthorne Precinct provides a vital green space for the community to connect with nature.
Conservation work across South Australia’s national parks and reserves will get a $750,000 boost with a new grants program to be delivered by the South Australian Government in partnership with the Friends of Parks (FoP) South Australia Board.
A new national park on the Fleurieu Peninsula is set to become an ecological haven for threatened native animals and plant species as well as an adventure-tourism destination for mountain biking and hiking.
A new lookout, upgraded campgrounds and improved visitor facilities will be delivered at three sites in a $3 million investment at the ever-popular Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula.