New Hor­ti­cul­ture Ther­a­py pro­gram for Ade­laide Botan­ic Garden

The Botan­ic Gar­dens and State Herbar­i­um today launched its new Hor­ti­cul­ture Ther­a­py Pro­gram that will sup­port vul­ner­a­ble mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty through hands-on gar­den­ing activities.

Cleland’s koala feed­ing expe­ri­ence returns for long weekend

Cle­land Wildlife Park’s huge­ly pop­u­lar koala feed­ing expe­ri­ence is set to return this June long week­end for the first time after they were put on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Let’s make Ade­laide the world’s sec­ond Nation­al Park City

South Aus­tralia is mak­ing a his­toric push to have Ade­laide become the world’s sec­ond Nation­al Park City, a move which coin­cid­ed with World Envi­ron­ment Day on 5 June. 

Escape win­ter in Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park this June

To cel­e­brate the start of win­ter, the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) is cel­e­brat­ing one of the state’s great win­ter parks, Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park, as Park of the Month in June.

$10 mil­lion and new loca­tion for Flinders Chase vis­i­tor centre

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park vis­i­tor cen­tre will be rebuilt at a new loca­tion with the State Gov­ern­ment pur­chas­ing land which was the for­mer Kan­ga­roo Island Wilder­ness Retreat and com­mit­ting $10 mil­lion to the rebuild after sig­nif­i­cant com­mu­ni­ty consultation.