New ranger dis­trict to cel­e­brate World Ranger Day

A new ranger dis­trict has been cre­at­ed in Adelaide’s south­ern sub­urbs and park ranger num­bers have risen by near­ly 50 per cent in the past three years as the South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment cel­e­brat­ed World Ranger Day ear­li­er this month.

Eyre Penin­su­la locals urged to report fer­al goats and deer sightings

Com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers in the Cleve Hills area are being urged to report any sight­ings of fer­al goats and deer, espe­cial­ly with­in Yel­dulknie Con­ser­va­tion Park, to the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice and the Eyre Penin­su­la Land­scape Board.

Cre­at­ing a more but­ter­fly friend­ly Ade­laide for every­one’s wellbeing

A new pro­gram to cre­ate a more but­ter­fly friend­ly met­ro­pol­i­tan South Aus­tralia has been launched as part of Adelaide’s push to become a Nation­al Park City.

Big fine for lit­tle bird theft

A Glenelg North man has been con­vict­ed of breach­ing the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, receiv­ing a hefty fine for ille­gal­ly tak­ing native birds.

NAIDOC Awards cel­e­brate those car­ing for Country

Leon Sko­rn­sy Dodd, a Senior Indige­nous Con­ser­va­tion Offi­cer from Monar­to Safari Park has tak­en out the Car­ing for Coun­try’ gong at this year’s NAIDOCSA Awards, which recog­nise and cel­e­brate the out­stand­ing achieve­ments of Abo­rig­i­nal peo­ple in South Australia.