New $750,000 Friends of Parks grants pro­gram launches

Con­ser­va­tion work across South Australia’s nation­al parks and reserves will get a $750,000 boost with a new grants pro­gram to be deliv­ered by the South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment in part­ner­ship with the Friends of Parks (FoP) South Aus­tralia Board.

Con­ser­va­tion, recre­ation key to SA’s newest nation­al park

A new nation­al park on the Fleurieu Penin­su­la is set to become an eco­log­i­cal haven for threat­ened native ani­mals and plant species as well as an adven­ture-tourism des­ti­na­tion for moun­tain bik­ing and hiking.

$3 mil­lion boost for Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park

A new look­out, upgrad­ed camp­grounds and improved vis­i­tor facil­i­ties will be deliv­ered at three sites in a $3 mil­lion invest­ment at the ever-pop­u­lar Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park on the Yorke Peninsula. 

There’s more than wine in the Barossa Val­ley this August

One of South Australia’s most icon­ic wine regions, the Barossa Val­ley, is not only famous for world-class winer­ies and fine food but is also home to some of South Australia’s most scenic nation­al parks. 

Cle­land Din­go trio cel­e­brate birthday

A trio of Din­go broth­ers Dusty, War­rag­ul and Jiem­ba are cel­e­brat­ing their 6th birth­day on Mon­day 2 August.