Works start at new­ly cre­at­ed Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park

Con­struc­tion is under­way at South Australia’s newest nation­al park, to cre­ate a spec­tac­u­lar new $3.3 mil­lion fos­sil expe­ri­ence in the north­ern Flinders Ranges.

New hope for Cher­ry Gar­dens bush­fire threat­ened species

A num­ber of South Australia’s threat­ened species will be tracked over the next three years fol­low­ing the Jan­u­ary 2021 Cher­ry Gar­dens bushfire.

Glen­thorne Precinct cel­e­brat­ed this September

Stretch­ing from the coast to the hills in Adelaide’s south­ern sub­urbs, the Glen­thorne Precinct pro­vides a vital green space for the com­mu­ni­ty to con­nect with nature. 

New $750,000 Friends of Parks grants pro­gram launches

Con­ser­va­tion work across South Australia’s nation­al parks and reserves will get a $750,000 boost with a new grants pro­gram to be deliv­ered by the South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment in part­ner­ship with the Friends of Parks (FoP) South Aus­tralia Board.

Con­ser­va­tion, recre­ation key to SA’s newest nation­al park

A new nation­al park on the Fleurieu Penin­su­la is set to become an eco­log­i­cal haven for threat­ened native ani­mals and plant species as well as an adven­ture-tourism des­ti­na­tion for moun­tain bik­ing and hiking.