Watch out for Wombats

Fol­low­ing a spate of wom­bat deaths in recent months along a stretch of road with­in the Coorong Nation­al Park, Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) rangers will short­ly deploy cam­era sur­veil­lance to mon­i­tor the area.

Vol­un­teers need­ed to help threat­ened species recov­er from Cher­ry Gar­dens bushfire

South Australia’s Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) are call­ing for vol­un­teers to help iden­ti­fy endan­gered ani­mals cap­tured in images tak­en from recov­er­ing Cher­ry Gar­dens bush­land using motion sens­ing cameras. 

Parks of east­ern Kan­ga­roo Island cel­e­brat­ed this summer

This Decem­ber Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) is cel­e­brat­ing the parks of east­ern Kan­ga­roo Island as its parks of the month.

New $10 mil­lion Cle­land nature-based expe­ri­ence unveiled

The Ade­laide Hills are set to become home to a new world-class nature-based expe­ri­ence with plans unveiled today for a $10 mil­lion wilder­ness retreat to be nes­tled among the trees with­in Cle­land Wildlife Park.

SA now home to Australia’s biggest nation­al park

South Aus­tralia is now home to Australia’s largest nation­al park as well as four oth­er new nation­al parks, with today’s offi­cial procla­ma­tion of Munga-Thirri – Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park, Wap­ma Thu­ra — South­ern Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park, Lake Frome Nation­al Park and the upgrade of Cle­land and Deep Creek to nation­al parks.