Hik­ers, local busi­ness­es to ben­e­fit from $6 mil­lion Wild South Coast Way upgrades

A spec­tac­u­lar new look­out on the Hey­sen Trail on the Fleurieu Penin­su­la has offi­cial­ly been opened as part of the first stage of the $6 mil­lion Wild South Coast Way project.

The vision for Glen­thorne Nation­al Park takes shape

New con­cept images of Glen­thorne Nation­al Park which show a thriv­ing envi­ron­men­tal and recre­ation­al precinct have been revealed for the first time.

Signs point the way for new Parn­ka Point walk­ing trail

A new walk­ing trail has opened at Parn­ka Point in Coorong Nation­al Park and is already prov­ing to be high­ly pop­u­lar with visitors.

New and improved camp­grounds as demand surges

A new walk-in camp­ground will be built over the com­ing months in the Ade­laide Hills near the South Para Reser­voir Reserve as demand for camp­site book­ings surges across South Australia.

Extra pro­tec­tions for Thid­na Con­ser­va­tion Park

Native veg­e­ta­tion and wildlife will soon have extra pro­tec­tion at Thid­na Con­ser­va­tion Park, with pub­lic vehi­cle access to be banned from 24 September.