New tourism grants aim to grow vis­i­tor econ­o­my through nature and her­itage-based experiences

New spe­cial­ty tours, pop-up and sea­son­al expe­ri­ences and events could be set to grace icon­ic South Aus­tralian tourism places thanks to a new $550,000 round in a State Gov­ern­ment grant fund­ing to acti­vate nature and her­itage-based tourism initiatives.

Nation­al park attrac­tions take out state tourism awards

Two of South Australia’s well-known nation­al park vis­i­tor attrac­tions were recent­ly recog­nised at this year’s Tourism Indus­try Coun­cil of South Aus­tralia, South Aus­tralian Tourism Awards, with Cle­land Wildlife Park being award­ed sil­ver and the Nara­coorte and Tan­ta­noola Caves tak­ing out bronze in the Major Tourist Attrac­tion category.

$23 mil­lion spe­cial­ist wildlife care cen­tre at Glenthorne

Adelaide’s south­ern sub­urbs will soon be home to a high-tech spe­cial­ist wildlife care cen­tre, with the RSP­CA set to build an inno­v­a­tive $23 mil­lion Ani­mal Care Cam­pus at Glen­thorne Nation­al Park-Itya­­mai­it­pin­na Yarta.

Cel­e­brate the parks of the Lime­stone Coast this November

South Australia’s Lime­stone Coast region is home to some amaz­ing parks and expe­ri­ences, which is why this Novem­ber the region is being cel­e­brat­ed as Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Service’s (NPWS) Parks of the Month.

Run with the Mega-Fau­na in Nara­coorte this November

The Her­itage Trail Run at the World Her­itage Nara­coorte Caves Nation­al Park returns for 2021 as part of MegaFest, pro­vid­ing a time­ly boost for tourism in the Lime­stone Coast.