Hikers on South Australia’s newest multi-day hike can now immerse themselves in local Aboriginal culture via an audio tour that shares the stories of the Ngarrindjeri Nation on the SA National Parks Tours mobile phone app while they walk.
In an historic move, the South Australian Government today announced a co-management agreement had been reached with Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation (KYAC) for three Adelaide national parks.
As part of the upgrades along the Brachina Gorge Geological Trail, construction of new visitor facilities at the site of the Ediacaran Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) is nearing completion.
If you’re yet to explore South Australia’s Murraylands, make sure you head there in August when the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will be celebrating our Murraylands’ national parks as Park of the Month.
South Australia’s Marine Parks boast iconic species such as the southern right whale, bottlenose dolphin, leafy sea dragon, great white shark, Australian pelican, little penguin, Australian sea lion and giant Australian cuttlefish, and this month these natural wonders are all being celebrated through National Parks and Wildlife Service’s (NPWS) Park of the Month.