Head for the hills this April to cel­e­brate Park of the Month

Autumn in the Ade­laide Hills is a mag­i­cal and colour­ful time of the year – herald­ing the start of the nation­al park hik­ing sea­son and cool­er but sun­ny days that are per­fect to explore the outdoors.

Scott Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park reopens to the public

More than a year after it closed, Scott Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park has reopened to the public.

Cel­e­brate sea pup­pies this Inter­na­tion­al Seal Day

March 22 is Inter­na­tion­al Seal Day, with peo­ple are being encour­aged to join the grow­ing num­ber of cit­i­zen sci­en­tists doing their bit to track the loca­tion of South Aus­tralian sea lion populations.

Simp­son Desert, Witji­ra nation­al park re-opens to four wheel drives

Roads have now re-opened to four wheel dri­ve traf­fic at Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert and Witji­ra nation­al parks, after heavy rain­fall and flood­ing affect­ed road access ear­li­er this year.

Coorong Nation­al Park is cel­e­brat­ed in March

Not only is it the home of Storm Boy, Coorong Nation­al Park pro­tects a vast wet­land of inter­na­tion­al impor­tance and the frag­ile dune sys­tems of the Younghus­band Peninsula.