Immer­sive trail infor­ma­tion com­ing soon

Work is cur­rent­ly under­way to share cul­tur­al sto­ries of the area, infor­ma­tion about things to see and help­ful hints for those walk­ing along the Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail.

Osprey nest flies to safer posi­tion on Tum­by Island

Work has been under­way this week to help con­serve and pro­tect the nest of an endan­gered pair of east­ern osprey at Tum­by Island Con­ser­va­tion Park on the Eyre Peninsula.

New walk-in camp­sites open on Wild South Coast Way

New walk-in camp­sites along the Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail are now open.

New Flinders Ranges vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence unveiled at Wilpe­na Pound Resort

Designs have been unveiled of the $3 mil­lion upgrade to Wilpe­na Pound Resort, with new glamp­ing facil­i­ties, a new vis­i­tor precinct, and improved inter­pre­tive sig­nage to be installed along hik­ing paths.

$10 mil­lion Bud­get com­mit­ment to keep com­mu­ni­ty at the heart of envi­ron­ment programs

A new envi­ron­men­tal grants pro­gram will deliv­er $10 mil­lion for pro­grams that improve habi­tat and bio­di­ver­si­ty on pub­lic and pri­vate land over the next four years.