Feed­back sought on pro­pos­al to expand South­ern Kan­ga­roo Island Marine Park

The South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment is seek­ing pub­lic feed­back on a pro­pos­al to bet­ter pro­tect one of our state’s most pop­u­lar tourism des­ti­na­tions and impor­tant sea lion habitats.

New con­ser­va­tion park for Ade­laide’s south­ern suburbs

A new 177 hectare con­ser­va­tion park has been cre­at­ed in the south­ern sub­urbs run­ning along­side the Field Riv­er to the south of Shei­d­ow Park and north of Reynella.

New con­ser­va­tion park for Ade­laide’s south­ern suburbs

A new 177 hectare con­ser­va­tion park has been cre­at­ed in the south­ern sub­urbs run­ning along­side the Field Riv­er to the south of Shei­d­ow Park and north of Reynella.

Nara­coorte Caves in the spot­light this November

Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Service’s Park of the Month is going under­ground this Novem­ber to shine a light on SA’s only World Her­itage list­ed site, the Nara­coorte Caves.

Nara­coorte Caves in the spot­light this November

Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Service’s Park of the Month is going under­ground this Novem­ber to shine a light on SA’s only World Her­itage list­ed site, the Nara­coorte Caves.