Aussie Bird Count takes flight dur­ing Nation­al Bird Week

From willie wag­tails on the front lawn to mag­pie larks in the gumtree, this week South Aus­tralians are being encour­aged to take part in the Aussie Bird Count.

Nara­coorte Caves, Ade­laide Gaol named as final­ists in SA Tourism Awards

From the dark his­to­ry of con­vict­ed felons to giant mar­su­pi­als that once roamed South Aus­tralia, two unique Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS) sites have been named as final­ists in the 2022 South Aus­tralian Tourism Awards.

Michelle Hock­ing named new GM of Cle­land Wildlife Park

An expe­ri­enced senior busi­ness and mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­al has been appoint­ed to help pro­mote one of South Australia’s major attrac­tions as a lead­ing nature-based tourism precinct.

Parks staff award­ed Nation­al Emer­gency Medals for Black Sum­mer efforts

Fire brigade staff from Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice CFS on the Lime­stone Coast were recent­ly recog­nised for their stel­lar efforts dur­ing the 2019 – 20 Aus­tralian Black Sum­mer bushfires.

Parks of the Flinders Ranges cel­e­brat­ed in October

Spring has sprung in the Flinders Ranges, with wat­tle now in full bloom across the region.