Parks staff award­ed Nation­al Emer­gency Medals for Black Sum­mer efforts

Fire brigade staff from Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice CFS on the Lime­stone Coast were recent­ly recog­nised for their stel­lar efforts dur­ing the 2019 – 20 Aus­tralian Black Sum­mer bushfires.

Parks of the Flinders Ranges cel­e­brat­ed in October

Spring has sprung in the Flinders Ranges, with wat­tle now in full bloom across the region.

Record vis­i­tor num­bers at Nara­coorte, Tan­ta­noola caves as tourists flock to South East SA

Vis­i­tor num­bers have risen to record lev­els at nation­al parks in the state’s South East, includ­ing at South Australia’s only World Her­itage-list­ed site, the Nara­coorte Caves.

Bass­ian thrush sur­vey in full flight across the Ade­laide Hills and Fleurieu

A unique sur­vey is rolling out across nation­al parks in the Ade­laide Hills and Fleurieu Penin­su­la with the aim of boost­ing knowl­edge on a rarely spot­ted bird, the Bass­ian thrush.

Her­itage cot­tages arise from the ash­es to reopen in icon­ic Kan­ga­roo Island park

Burnt down in the Kan­ga­roo Island bush­fires of 2019 – 20 two state her­itage list­ed cot­tages have arisen from the ash­es to become the newest and high­est stan­dard of accom­mo­da­tion offered by the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice (NPWS).