Friends of Parks grants sup­port flock of envi­ron­men­tal volunteers

Pro­tect­ing habi­tats for native ani­mals, bush­fire recov­ery work and reduc­ing the spread of inva­sive weeds are among the projects to ben­e­fit from $175,000 in fund­ing to sup­port envi­ron­men­tal volunteers.

Explore SA’s best bush and beach parks

Sum­mer is here and many of us will enjoy the warmer weath­er by hit­ting the beach or explor­ing our diverse nat­ur­al envi­ron­ments. South Aus­tralia is blessed with pris­tine beach­es and beau­ti­ful bush­land, and numer­ous parks show­case them side-by-side. So why not expe­ri­ence both in one go?

Pop­u­lar camp­ground reopens with major upgrades

Pic­nic fur­ni­ture, show­ers with hot water and more spa­cious sites are among new ameni­ties now avail­able to vis­i­tors at one of the state’s most pop­u­lar campgrounds.

Some­thing for every­one in south­ern sub­urbs parks

From rugged clifftops with spec­tac­u­lar views to wet­land ponds and flood­plains, the parks along Adelaide’s stretch of the Onka­paringa Riv­er must be seen to be believed. 

New Mid North nation­al park a step closer

A plan to con­vert an envi­ron­men­tal­ly sig­nif­i­cant 1000-hectare site near Bur­ra into a nation­al park has reached a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone after the sign­ing of an agree­ment to trans­fer own­er­ship of the land to the state government.