Greater pro­tec­tions for icon­ic Out­back salt lake

Increased vis­i­tor safe­ty and greater pro­tec­tion of a frag­ile and cul­tur­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant envi­ron­ment are among changes to help bet­ter man­age one of South Australia’s most pop­u­lar Out­back attractions.

Greater pro­tec­tions for icon­ic Out­back salt lake

Increased vis­i­tor safe­ty and greater pro­tec­tion of a frag­ile and cul­tur­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant envi­ron­ment are among changes to help bet­ter man­age one of South Australia’s most pop­u­lar Out­back attractions.

Record fund­ing for vol­un­teers and groups that care for our nat­ur­al environment

South Australia’s ded­i­cat­ed envi­ron­men­tal vol­un­teers will share in more than $779,000 of State Gov­ern­ment fund­ing to help them pro­tect our pre­cious nation­al parks and biodiversity.

Record fund­ing for vol­un­teers and groups that care for our nat­ur­al environment

South Australia’s ded­i­cat­ed envi­ron­men­tal vol­un­teers will share in more than $779,000 of State Gov­ern­ment fund­ing to help them pro­tect our pre­cious nation­al parks and biodiversity.

Cel­e­brate the beau­ty and resilience of Kan­ga­roo Island parks this February

With strik­ing land­scapes, pris­tine beach­es, tran­quil rivers and native bush­land, Kan­ga­roo Island (KI) tru­ly is one of Australia’s best buck­et list destinations.