South Australia’s desert parks tem­porar­i­ly closed due to heavy rain and track safety

Munga-Thirri – Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park and oth­er desert parks in the state’s north have been tem­porar­i­ly closed due to heavy rain affect­ing road and track access.

South Australia’s desert parks tem­porar­i­ly closed due to heavy rain and track safety

Munga-Thirri – Simp­son Desert Nation­al Park and oth­er desert parks in the state’s north have been tem­porar­i­ly closed due to heavy rain affect­ing road and track access.

Tourists expect­ed to con­verge on the Out­back as desert parks re-open after summer

Tourists will be able to enjoy out­back adven­tures and mar­vel at remote land­scapes and wildlife when Australia’s largest nation­al park and oth­er desert attrac­tions re-open this weekend.

Tourists expect­ed to con­verge on the Out­back as desert parks re-open after summer

Tourists will be able to enjoy out­back adven­tures and mar­vel at remote land­scapes and wildlife when Australia’s largest nation­al park and oth­er desert attrac­tions re-open this weekend.

Fall in love with Fleurieu parks this March

With nat­ur­al won­ders rang­ing from stun­ning beach­es to dense forests, South Australia’s Fleurieu Penin­su­la tru­ly has some­thing for everyone.