Amazing wildlife to see on Kangaroo Island: A glimpse of what you might encounter

Amazing wildlife to see on Kangaroo Island: A glimpse of what you might encounter

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park is renowned for its extra­or­di­nary wildlife, offer­ing count­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to see Aus­tralian ani­mals in their native habi­tats. Here’s a sam­ple of the fas­ci­nat­ing crea­tures you might encounter dur­ing your visit:

Long-nosed fur seals

A colony of long-nosed fur seals lives near the stun­ning lime­stone Admi­rals Arch. You can often see these play­ful seals loung­ing on the rocks and swim­ming in the water below.


Kan­ga­roo Island was named for its kan­ga­roos, which have evolved dif­fer­ent­ly from their main­land coun­ter­parts since the island was con­nect­ed to the main­land 9,500 years ago. Watch for these unique kan­ga­roos graz­ing in open areas or hop­ping through the bush.

Tam­mar wallabies

Much small­er than kan­ga­roos, Tam­mar wal­la­bies have a dark grey coat with red­dish-brown arms, feet, and flanks, and dis­tinc­tive white cheek stripes. Kan­ga­roo Island hosts the largest remain­ing nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tion of Tam­mar wal­la­bies, so keep an eye out for them, espe­cial­ly at dusk and dawn.


The short-beaked echid­nas on Kan­ga­roo Island thrive due to suit­able habi­tats and the absence of sig­nif­i­cant preda­tors. These soli­tary crea­tures can be found all over the island, often feed­ing dur­ing the day and night. You might spot them around hol­low logs, under debris, in self-con­struct­ed bur­rows and among tree roots.


Kan­ga­roo Island’s pris­tine waters are home to a diverse range of marine life, includ­ing dol­phins. The island is sur­round­ed by four marine parks and spot­ting dol­phins in these pro­tect­ed waters is a com­mon and delight­ful experience.


Although not native to Kan­ga­roo Island, koalas were intro­duced to the island in the 1920s and have since estab­lished a sig­nif­i­cant pop­u­la­tion. Look up in the euca­lyp­tus trees to see these adorable mar­su­pi­als rest­ing and munch­ing on leaves.

Sea lions

Head to Seal Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park to wit­ness the incred­i­ble Aus­tralian sea lions. You can watch them bask­ing on the sandy shores or play­ing in the surf. Guid­ed tours pro­vide a clos­er look at these mag­nif­i­cent crea­tures in their nat­ur­al environment.


Kan­ga­roo Island is a bird­watcher’s par­adise, home to a vari­ety of bird species. Look for the endan­gered glossy black-cock­a­too, as well as pel­i­cans, ospreys and numer­ous shore­birds. Bring your binoc­u­lars for an even bet­ter view of these feath­ered inhabitants.


The Rosenberg’s goan­na, a large mon­i­tor lizard, can be spot­ted in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park. These rep­tiles are often seen bask­ing in the sun or for­ag­ing for food.


The west­ern pygmy pos­sum, a tiny noc­tur­nal mar­su­pi­al, inhab­its Kan­ga­roo Island. Though elu­sive, these pos­sums can some­times be seen in the park’s wood­lands and forests.


Dur­ing the win­ter months, you might be lucky enough to spot south­ern right whales or hump­back whales off the coast of Kan­ga­roo Island as they migrate through the region.

Dri­ving safe­ly in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park

It’s essen­tial to dri­ve care­ful­ly with­in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park because of the abun­dant wildlife. Wildlife is most active at dawn and dusk, so be par­tic­u­lar­ly vig­i­lant dur­ing these times. Slow down, espe­cial­ly on grav­el roads, and always be pre­pared to stop for ani­mals cross­ing the road. To learn more about dri­ving safe­ly on Kan­ga­roo Island and to view the Expect the Unex­pect­ed’ safe­ty video, vis­it the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park safe­ty page.

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park and the sur­round­ing areas of Kan­ga­roo Island offer a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to observe a diverse range of wildlife, both on land and in the sea. Each vis­it promis­es new and excit­ing wildlife encoun­ters, mak­ing it a must-vis­it des­ti­na­tion for nature enthusiasts.

Plan your trip

Find out more about the park, down­load maps and pay for park fees, camp­ing and accommodation.

Head­er image cour­tesy of Kan­ga­roo Island Tourism Alliance