Visiting Flinders Chase National Park

First time vis­i­tor? Here are all the basics you need to plan your vis­it. For more detailed infor­ma­tion, check out the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park page.

How do I get to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Flinders Chase is locat­ed at the west end of Kan­ga­roo Island, approx­i­mate­ly 110 kilo­me­tres from Kingscote and 130 kilo­me­tres from Pen­neshaw. The dri­ve from Kingscote takes about 90 min­utes, and from Pen­neshaw, around 1.5 hours. You can reach Kan­ga­roo Island from main­land South Aus­tralia by tak­ing the SeaLink or KI Con­nect fer­ries, or by fly­ing Qantas. 

How much do Flinders Chase Nation­al Park tick­ets cost?

Entry and camp­ing fees apply and can be paid online or in per­son at the new Flinders Chase Nation­al Park Vis­i­tor Cen­tre. Tick­ets start at $13 per per­son for a day trip. 

When is Flinders Chase Nation­al Park open?

The park is open dai­ly from dawn until dusk. Please watch care­ful­ly for wildlife when dri­ving and be sure to check the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park page for any clo­sures and the lat­est news. 

Where can I get Flinders Chase Nation­al Park maps?

View the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park park map here. For added con­ve­nience, down­load the free Aven­za Map app to keep an inter­ac­tive nation­al park map on your smart­phone or tablet.

Where can I stay at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Whether you pre­fer the com­fort of a his­toric cot­tage or the unfil­tered beau­ty of camp­ing, Flinders Chase Nation­al Park offers accom­mo­da­tion to suit everyone.

Book online to reserve your accom­mo­da­tion up to 12 months in advance.

What is Flinders Chase Nation­al Park accom­mo­da­tion like?

Part of the orig­i­nal Rocky Riv­er Home­stead precinct, the her­itage-list­ed May’s Home­stead and Postman’s Cot­tage have been lov­ing­ly restored after the 2019 – 20 bush­fires. These cot­tages blend his­tor­i­cal charm with con­tem­po­rary fea­tures, offer­ing a dis­tinc­tive her­itage expe­ri­ence in one of South Aus­trali­a’s most icon­ic nation­al parks. Both prop­er­ties are locat­ed at Rocky Riv­er, close enough to be booked togeth­er for group stays, yet far enough apart to ensure pri­va­cy. Book here.

Where can I camp in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Har­vey Return camp­ground, near the his­toric light keep­ers’ ceme­tery, is the old land­ing site for the light sta­tion. It is with­in walk­ing dis­tance of the Cape Bor­da Light­sta­tion. The park offers sev­er­al acces­si­ble unpow­ered camp­grounds suit­able for 2WD, 4WD, camper trail­ers, and camper­vans. Book here.

Do I need a 4WD to vis­it Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

While you can access most sec­tions of Flinders Chase Nation­al Park with a reg­u­lar vehi­cle, a 4WD is rec­om­mend­ed if you want to explore the entire park. Some camp­sites and remote areas are acces­si­ble via grav­el roads that can be quite corrugated.

Are dogs allowed in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Pets are not per­mit­ted in the park to help pro­tect and con­serve this area of out­stand­ing nat­ur­al beauty.

How long do I need to vis­it Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Whether you have one day, one week, or one month, Flinders Chase offers 326 square kilo­me­tres of nature to explore. Check out the top 6 things to see and do at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park or explore these ranger tips for Flinders Chase Nation­al Park.

When is the best time to vis­it Kan­ga­roo Island?

Kan­ga­roo Island offers unique expe­ri­ences year-round:

Win­ter: Few­er crowds, bask­ing seals, and the chance to spot whales and joeys. Pack for heavy rain­fall and cold winds to enjoy wild seas and untamed coastlines.

Spring: The island bursts with new life, native ani­mals enjoy longer days and wild­flow­ers colour the countryside.

Sum­mer: Long, warm days per­fect for water sports and beach­es. Fur seals breed in Decem­ber and January.

Autumn: Cool nights and warm days make it the per­fect sea­son for walk­ing. Look out for pen­guins com­ing onshore for breeding.

Learn more about vis­it­ing Kan­ga­roo Island by explor­ing the 10 trea­sures of Kan­ga­roo Island and the 5 best wildlife expe­ri­ences on Kan­ga­roo Island.

How can I con­tact Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Nation­al Parks Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­tralia Kan­ga­roo Island office (office hours)

Phone: (+61 8) 8553 4444
Email: FlindersChase@​sa.​gov.​au

What safe­ty and reg­u­la­tions should I know about when vis­it­ing Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

For detailed safe­ty infor­ma­tion, vis­it the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park safe­ty page. Remem­ber to:

  • Dri­ve cau­tious­ly on grav­el and dirt roads and avoid dri­ving from sun­set to sun­rise to pre­vent wildlife collisions.
  • Stop your car off the road before tak­ing photos.
  • Dri­ve on the left side in Aus­tralia if you’re vis­it­ing from overseas.
  • While in the park, ensure you:
    • Leave pets at home.
    • Do not feed wildlife.
    • Do not bring gen­er­a­tors, chain­saws, or firearms.
    • Dis­pose of rub­bish properly.
    • Fol­low road rules and respect geo­log­i­cal and her­itage sites.
    • Do not col­lect fire­wood or fly drones with­out a permit.

What acces­si­bil­i­ty fea­tures are avail­able at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

For detailed acces­si­bil­i­ty infor­ma­tion, vis­it the Flinders Chase Nation­al Park page.

Where are the acces­si­ble toi­lets at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Acces­si­ble toi­lets are locat­ed at Rocky Riv­er, Cape du Couedic, Remark­able Rocks and the new Flinders Chase Nation­al Park Vis­i­tor Centre. 

What food and din­ing options are avail­able at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

The Rocks Café is open at the new Flinders Chase Nation­al Park Vis­i­tor Cen­tre, show­cas­ing fresh, local flavours cap­tur­ing the essence of Kan­ga­roo Island. More info: The Rocks Café.

What activ­i­ties and tours are avail­able at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Explore avail­able tours and activ­i­ties at SouthAus​tralia​.com

Where can I find out more about Flinders Chase Nation­al Park?

Find out more about the park, down­load maps and pay for park fees, camp­ing and accommodation.