
Park clo­sures for fire danger

Is the park open?

Parks are usu­al­ly closed when there is Cat­a­stroph­ic Fire Dan­ger.

Parks can also be closed when there is Extreme Fire Dan­ger.

How can I find out the Fire Dan­ger Rat­ing for the park I want to visit?

Look at the Fire Ban Area map on the CFS website.

How can I find out which parks are closed?

This list shows which parks are closed.

Pre­scribed burns 

What is a pre­scribed burn?

A pre­scribed burn is a care­ful­ly planned fire that is used to lessen the risk of dan­ger­ous bush­fires, man­age native plants, and pro­tect biodiversity.

Where do pre­scribed burns happen?

Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice does pre­scribed burn­ing in care­ful­ly-cho­sen areas of South Australia’s parks and reserves. You can find out where and when burns are planned. 

Why are pre­scribed burns important?

Reduc­ing bush­fire risk is an ongo­ing and shared respon­si­bil­i­ty and every­one has a role. It’s impor­tant to lessen the risk of dan­ger­ous bush­fires on parks. This work can help make any bush­fire eas­i­er to man­age. It can stop bush­fires from reach­ing places where peo­ple live. This can save peo­ple’s lives and homes. In gen­er­al, pre­scribed burns reduce fuels across the land­scape, man­age native veg­e­ta­tion and pro­tect bio­di­ver­si­ty in South Aus­trali­a’s parks and reserves.

How can I find out about more about pre­scribed burns?

• You can look at a map and list of upcom­ing pre­scribed burns.

• You can sign up for email updates on pre­scribed burns near you.

• You can read more infor­ma­tion about fire man­age­ment, includ­ing man­ag­ing bush­fire risk, fire and the envi­ron­ment, and fire sci­ence and planning.