Bushfire recovery news
Move to reduce fer­al pig numbers

Fer­al pigs on Kan­ga­roo Island will be tar­get­ed in a new oper­a­tion to reduce their num­bers and pre­vent them from hin­der­ing the island’s envi­ron­men­tal recovery.

Food drops to help Kan­ga­roo Island’s starv­ing wildlife

Drops of food and water will soon start to help save the vul­ner­a­ble and starv­ing wildlife on Kan­ga­roo Island now that the bush­fire is contained. 

Wildlife recov­ery task­force formed

The State Gov­ern­ment will estab­lish a Wildlife and Habi­tat Recov­ery Task­force to play a lead role in the envi­ron­men­tal response to recent bushfires.

Res­cued koalas tak­en to new home at Cle­land Wildlife Park

With large amounts of wildlife habi­tat burnt on Kan­ga­roo Island, the State Gov­ern­ment has tak­en the unusu­al step of relo­cat­ing 12 res­cued koalas from the island to estab­lish a dis­ease-free pop­u­la­tion at Cle­land Wildlife Park.

Bush­fire and recovery

Fire is part of our ecol­o­gy, but the recent fires on Kan­ga­roo Island have burnt more veg­e­ta­tion than any fire on the island in almost a century.