Bushfire recovery news
Anoth­er step towards wildlife recovery

A nation­al wildlife recov­ery work­shop has iden­ti­fied post-bush­fire strate­gies for the Kan­ga­roo Island dun­nart, glossy black cock­a­too and oth­er endan­gered species.

Col­lab­o­ra­tion for KI wildlife

Some of Australia’s lead­ing ecol­o­gists are with gov­ern­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tives, con­ser­va­tion groups and land­hold­ers on Kan­ga­roo Island this week to devel­op a recov­ery plan for bush­fire-affect­ed wildlife and threat­ened species.

Pri­or­i­ties for South Aus­tralian bush­fire recovery

Bush­fire recov­ery fund­ing of $1.5 mil­lion has been made avail­able for on-ground assess­ments and fer­al ani­mal con­trols in South Australia. 

Cud­lee Creek bush­fire-affect­ed parks show signs of recovery

Black­ened and burnt trees and shrubs through­out two con­ser­va­tion parks dev­as­tat­ed in the Cud­lee Creek fires have begun re-sprout­ing fol­low­ing recent rains.

Flinders Chase to soon be open for guid­ed tours

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park, locat­ed on bush­fire-rav­aged west­ern-end of Kan­ga­roo Island, will be open soon for guid­ed tours once the area has been declared safe.