Bushfire recovery news
Wildlife recov­ery gets a help­ing hand

Almost $450,000 in com­mu­ni­ty dona­tions will be grant­ed to 20 Wildlife Recov­ery Fund recip­i­ents to help wildlife and native flo­ra recov­er from last summer’s dev­as­tat­ing bushfires.

Flinders Chase Nation­al Park vis­i­tor boom fol­low­ing bushfires

Record num­bers of vis­i­tors have flocked to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park on Kan­ga­roo Island since it reopened after the summer’s dev­as­tat­ing bushfires.

Get involved in shap­ing the future of Kan­ga­roo Island parks

Kan­ga­roo Island locals, busi­ness own­ers and vis­i­tors are invit­ed to now share their ideas to reimag­ine vis­i­tor expe­ri­ences in some of the island’s nation­al parks.

Kan­ga­roo Island dun­nart recov­ery sup­port­ed by cit­i­zen sci­en­tists across the country

A record num­ber of cit­i­zen sci­en­tists have answered the call to assist in bush­fire recov­ery efforts for one of Kan­ga­roo Island’s most endan­gered species.

$2.67 mil­lion to erad­i­cate fer­al pigs on KI

Fer­al pigs on Kan­ga­roo Island are being tar­get­ed with a $2.67 mil­lion high-inten­si­ty pro­gram aimed at curb­ing the pest’s destruc­tion on agri­cul­ture and the environment.