Bushfire recovery news
Kan­ga­roo Island’s icon­ic Seal Bay tourism site re-opens to the public

Seal Bay – one of Kan­ga­roo Island’s pre­mier tourism des­ti­na­tions – has re-opened, after hav­ing to close due to the recent bush­fire events.

Bush­fires on KI rav­age glossy black-cock­a­too habitat

The Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water esti­mates that 75 per cent of South Australia’s endan­gered glossy black-cock­a­too pop­u­la­tion, found sole­ly on Kan­ga­roo Island, lived with­in the 210,000 hectares burned in the recent bushfires.

Fund estab­lished to restore wildlife habi­tat in SA

The Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice SA has joined forces with Nature Foun­da­tion SA to launch a spe­cial fund to re-estab­lish habi­tat for wildlife in the state’s bush­fire-rav­aged regions. 

Funds for wildlife groups

The State Gov­ern­ment will be pro­vid­ing $50,000 fund­ing and extra med­ical equip­ment to wildlife recov­ery cen­tres across the state to help with the treat­ment of injured ani­mals after recent bush­fires in South Australia. 

How to help KI wildlife

Koalas and oth­er wildlife affect­ed by bush­fires on Kan­ga­roo Island must be man­aged local­ly and not removed from the island.