
South Australia’s nation­al parks are great places to con­nect with nature.

Enjoy your time in parks by under­stand­ing that the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment can be unpre­dictable and by prepar­ing ahead to stay safe.

You are respon­si­ble for your own safe­ty and the safe­ty of those in your care. 

Our top tip? Do your research on the places you’ll be vis­it­ing so you can be best pre­pared – and always take direc­tion from our park rangers as they have the great­est knowl­edge of local conditions.

How can I check cur­rent con­di­tions in parks?

  • Weath­er check: Keep an eye on the Bureau of Mete­o­rol­o­gy for weath­er fore­casts and warnings.
  • Park alerts: Some­times parks or parts of parks such as trails are closed because of weath­er dam­age or for park man­age­ment rea­sons. Find out if the park you want to vis­it is open by check­ing the list of parks clo­sures and alerts.
  • Emer­gency info: Check Alert SA for the lat­est updates from South Australia’s emer­gency ser­vices. For fire updates tune to your local emer­gency broad­cast radio station.
  • Out­back Insid­er: Check the desert parks bul­letin for infor­ma­tion about access, clo­sures, camp­grounds and roads in the Flinders Ranges and Out­back region.

What should I take with me to a park?

  • Stay hydrat­ed: Aim to drink one litre of water per hour of exer­cise. Make sure you car­ry enough drink­ing water as not all of our parks have this resource. We can­not guar­an­tee the qual­i­ty and avail­abil­i­ty of drink­ing water in our reserves.
  • Sun safe­ty: A wide-brimmed hat and sun­screen are your best mates in the Aussie sun.
  • Adven­ture ready: Choose the right gear for your parks expe­ri­ence. If bush­walk­ing, wear pro­tec­tive cloth­ing and footwear and pre­pare for weath­er changes. Car­ry insect repel­lent and first aid supplies.

How can I stay safe when walk­ing in parks?

  • Stick to defined walk­ing trails and avoid closed sec­tions. Areas are closed for safe­ty rea­sons such as unsta­ble sur­faces, flood or fire risk.
What should I do before a remote hike?
  • Ven­tur­ing into remote areas or under­tak­ing chal­leng­ing activ­i­ties? Keep it safe by inform­ing a trust­wor­thy con­tact about where you’re off to and your expect­ed return.
Can I use a mobile phone in parks?
  • Be aware that mobile phone cov­er­age is not reli­able in all of our parks, par­tic­u­lar­ly in remote areas and where there is steep terrain.
How can I dri­ve safe­ly in parks?
  • Car care: Always check road con­di­tions and ensure your vehi­cle is in excel­lent con­di­tion before hit­ting unsealed roads.
  • Wildlife watch: Dusk and dawn are high traf­fic times for ani­mals. If you must dri­ve at these times, please reduce your speed and keep watch for wildlife.
How can I go boat­ing safe­ly in parks?
How can I stay safe in Flinders Ranges and Out­back parks?
  • Check the desert parks bul­letin for for infor­ma­tion about access, clo­sures, camp­grounds and roads in the Flinders Ranges and Out­back region.
  • Check the Aussie Trav­el Code for insid­er knowl­edge on how to enjoy your trip, stay safe, and be the kind of trav­eller you would want to meet in your own hometown.

Who can I con­tact in an emer­gency in parks?

  • In emer­gen­cies, dial 000 for police/​fire/​ambulance.
  • Region­al Duty Offi­cers are on duty to respond to emer­gency sit­u­a­tions in parks, which may include:
  • Vis­i­tor fatal­i­ty or sig­nif­i­cant injury;
  • Vehi­cle relat­ed inci­dents in parks;
  • Lost vis­i­tors requir­ing search and res­cue operations;
  • Mat­ters requir­ing a com­pli­ance or enforce­ment response;
  • Marine mam­mal rescue;
  • Injured wildlife and fau­na rescue;
  • Park asset main­te­nance / build­ing security;
  • Online camp­site book­ing queries for parks (after hours only).

How can I enjoy a camp­fire safe­ly in parks?

Find out whether a camp­fire is per­mit­ted in the park you’re vis­it­ing and how to build and put out a camp­fire safely.

How can I stay safe from mos­qui­toes in parks?

Mos­qui­toes can be a nui­sance and some can spread seri­ous dis­ease when they bite.

The most com­mon dis­ease spread by mos­qui­toes in South Aus­tralia is Ross Riv­er virus, fol­lowed by Barmah For­est virus.

There is cur­rent­ly no cure and no vac­cine for these viruses.

The only way to pro­tect your­self and your fam­i­ly is to avoid being bitten.

It is rec­om­mend­ed that peo­ple use mos­qui­to repel­lents con­tain­ing either DEET, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Euca­lyp­tus (PMD), that have been approved by the Aus­tralian Pes­ti­cides and Vet­eri­nary Med­i­cines Author­i­ty (APV­MA).

Learn how to fight the bite.