Full closure of Parks of the Eyre and Far West

Published: 20 August 2024

Var­i­ous parks in the Eyre and Far West will be closed from 01/09/2024 to 11/09/2024 while an aer­i­al con­trol oper­a­tion is undertaken. 

Oper­a­tions will take place on and in the area of the Con­ser­va­tion Park. Con­trol will extend out to the Con­ser­va­tion Parks bound­aries and on adjoin­ing prop­er­ties with agree­ments in place.

  • Car­alue Bluff Con­ser­va­tion Park (CP)
  • Heg­ga­ton CP, Iron­stone Hill CP
  • Lake Gillies CP, Mid­dle­camp Hills CP
  • Mun­ya­roo CP
  • Pinkaw­ill­inie CP
  • Sheaoak Hill CP
  • The Plug Range CP
  • Yel­dulknie CP