Part closure of Mount Remarkable National Park

Published: 12 March 2025

The Wilm­ing­ton Fire has been rat­ed as SAFE” by the CFS. The Alli­ga­tor Gorge sec­tion, includ­ing Alli­ga­tor Lodge and all back­pack camp sites will remain closed until fur­ther notice. 

Sec­tions that were not impact­ed by the fire have reopened, includ­ing Mam­bray Creek, Wil­lowie and Mel­rose entrances.

Vis­i­tors will be able to access Mam­bray Creek and Baroo­ta camp­grounds, the day vis­i­tor area, Hid­den Gorge Hike, Mam­bray Val­ley Hike and Davey’s Gul­ly Hike on the west­ern side of the park, and the Remark­able Epic Trail, sum­mit hike, and Wil­lowie trails on the east­ern side.

See map for full details.