Part closure of Coorong National Park

Published: 26 August 2024

Part of the Coorong Nation­al Park will be closed from 6.00pm on Mon­day 16 Sep­tem­ber 2024 until 6.00am Fri­day 20 Sep­tem­ber 2024. The clo­sure applies from an east-west line at Police­man Point (Lat 36.0597° S, Long 139.5802° E) to the south­ern bound­ary of the Coorong Nation­al Park (Lat 36.5363° S, Long 139.8314° E).

The fol­low­ing areas will remain open to pub­lic access:

• Coorong North­ern and South­ern Lagoons
• Jack Point
• Kar­too Road
• Long Point
• Mark Point
• Old Coorong Road (through traf­fic only)
• Parn­ka Point
• Pel­i­can point
• Police­man Point
• Pot­ters Scrub
• Sev­en Mile Road
• Stony Well
• Woods Well

The fol­low­ing camp­grounds will remain open to pub­lic access:

• Bark­er Knoll Camp­ground
• Boat­ing based camp­ing (Coorong Lagoon)
• God­freys Land­ing Camp­ground
• Kar­too Road Camp­sites
• Long Point Camp­ground
• Mark Point Camp­ground
• Parn­ka Point, Avo­cet Camp­ground
• Parn­ka Point, Pel­i­can Camp­ground
• Sand­piper Camp­ground
• Sev­en Mile Road Campgrounds