6 wildflowers you can see in the Flinders Ranges this spring

6 wildflowers you can see in the Flinders Ranges this spring

Wild­flow­ers are in full bloom in the Flinders, espe­cial­ly at Mt Remark­able. Look for these six on your next visit.

Wild­flow­ers are blos­som­ing in the Flinders Ranges, with recent rain­fall and spring weath­er mak­ing now the per­fect time to view the region’s most spec­tac­u­lar flowers.

If you head to Alli­ga­tor Gorge in Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park, in the south­ern Flinders, you’ll see a huge range of spec­tac­u­lar blooms – thanks to recent rain­fall of up to 77 mil­lime­tres at Mam­bray Creek camp­ground in the heart of the park.

The down­pour has meant many creeks and water­holes have switched from dry creek beds to flow­ing streams. It’s a beau­ti­ful part of South Aus­tralia and a sight not to be missed.

The park has 533 species of native plants, which includes pop­u­la­tions of threat­ened orchids. Why not try to spot this selec­tion on your next visit?

1. Com­mon fringe lily

The com­mon fringe lily is found in a vari­ety of areas, from dry hill­sides and open for­est, to wet­ter heath and woodlands.

The mauve flow­ers have 3 broad fringed petals alter­nat­ing with 3 nar­row­er sepa­ls, all 12 to 15 mm long.

Each flower only opens for one day, but the plants keep flow­er­ing over weeks.

The com­mon fringe lily’s botan­i­cal name is Thysan­otus tubero­sus.

6 wildflowers you can see in the Flinders Ranges this spring

2. Fringe myrtle

You can find com­mon fringe myr­tle all across the Flinders Ranges at the moment, and you’ll know when you’ve found it when you spot a beau­ti­ful flower dis­play rang­ing in colour from white to pink.

Fringe myrtle’s botan­i­cal name is Calytrix tetrag­o­na.

The calytrix part of the plant’s botan­i­cal name comes from the Greek word mean­ing calyx and hair, which rep­re­sents the long fine hairs on the cup-like struc­ture sur­round­ing the base of the flower. Tetrag­o­nia is Greek for four-sided, which rep­re­sents the plant’s four-sided leaves.


3. Guinea flower

This plant is found in the Flinders Ranges, on Kan­ga­roo Island and in the South East, grow­ing in sandy soils in heath­land, heathy wood­land and mallee. It’s also found in Queens­land, New South Wales, Vic­to­ria and Tasmania.

The Guinea flower’s botan­i­cal name is Hib­ber­tia scan­dens. Hib­ber­tia is named after George Hib­bert, a Lon­don mer­chant who main­tained a pri­vate botan­ic gar­den at Chelsea.

Its bright yel­low flow­ers can most com­mon­ly be seen between Sep­tem­ber and December.


4. Laven­der grevillea

Gre­vil­lea lavan­du­lacea is a vari­able species with a num­ber of dis­tinct hor­ti­cul­tur­al forms in cul­ti­va­tion, most­ly known for their geo­graph­ic origin.

It is a low spread­ing shrub to 0.3 metres high by 1 metre spread with bril­liant pink to red spi­der’ flowers. 


5. Mint­bush

Mint­bush, also known as Prostan­thera oval­i­fo­lia, is a species of flow­er­ing plant that is endem­ic to the more arid areas of Aus­tralia. It’s an aro­mat­ic shrub and its leaves range from a nar­row egg-shape to a nar­row ellip­tic-shape, which are dec­o­rat­ed with white flowers.

It can be found in arid areas of SA, as well as NSW, Qld, West­ern Aus­tralia and the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry, where it grows in wood­land in rocky, dry terrain. 


6. Nod­ding choco­late lily

Nod­ding choco­late lily, also known as Dicho­pogon fim­bria­tus, gets its name from its beau­ti­ful vio­let choco­late scent­ed flow­ers. These, along with its tubers, can be eat­en raw or cooked.

This species is found in grass­land, wood­land and for­est regions of SA, as well as in NSW, Qld, WA, Tas­ma­nia and Victoria.

The plant’s edi­ble tubers usu­al­ly grow to about 3.5 cm in length, about 15 cm below the sur­face. Nod­ding choco­late lily is found in arid regions in sandy soils.


Love SA’s flo­ra? Read our sto­ry to see what oth­er regions have to offer:Where to find wild­flow­ers in South Aus­tralia. You might also like to learn about our state’sstun­ning native orchids.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living