4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

Want to explore the Mur­ray with your feet firm­ly plant­ed on the ground? You can, with these spec­tac­u­lar walks.

Cruis­ing along the Riv­er Mur­ray on a kayak or house­boat sounds like heav­en to some people.

But oth­ers would rather admire the riv­er and its sur­rounds from afar. Why not take in the scenery at your own pace with a Riv­er Mur­ray walk?

Here’s our top tips for walks with mag­nif­i­cent views:

1. Ngak Indau Wet­land Trail

Bird­watch­ers will love the Ngak Indau Wet­land Trail in Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park. This easy, 2.6 km trail includes a bird hide, which is a con­cealed shel­ter where you can observe the wet­land bird life.

4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

2. Coorong walks

Coorong Nation­al Park fea­tures a num­ber of enjoy­able walks show­cas­ing the region, along with the Low­er Lakes and Mur­ray Mouth. Check out the Lakes Nature Trail, which takes you through mallee scrub past the lakes.

4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

3. Ban­rock Sta­tion Wet­land Circuit

If you’d like to try some­thing a lit­tle longer, check out the Ban­rock Sta­tion Wet­land Cir­cuit. The 8 km trail takes you around the inter­na­tion­al­ly recog­nised wet­land site, where you can view wildlife and learn about the role wet­lands play in the Riv­er Mur­ray system.

4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

4. Mur­ray Riv­er Walk

Look­ing for a full-blown walk­ing hol­i­day? Then the Mur­ray Riv­er Walk is for you. Four days of guid­ed tour­ing through red gum forests, creeks and wet­lands, with 3 nights in house­boat accommodation.

4 scenic River Murray walks you can take in South Australia

Explor­ing the Riv­er Mur­ray? Read our blogs on 5 great camp­ing spots around the Riv­er Mur­ray and Fun things to do along the Riv­er Mur­ray. And always make sure you check the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice web­site before vis­it­ing a park to check for any clo­sures that might affect your visit.

Main image cour­tesy ofMur­ray Riv­er Walk web­site.

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in Jan­u­ary 2017.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living