5 holiday adventures to enjoy along South Australia’s River Murray

5 holiday adventures to enjoy along South Australia’s River Murray

If a break by the riv­er floats your boat, read on for some great school hol­i­day ideas to keep all ages entertained.

It’s that time of year again – school hol­i­days. So if you’re pulling out your hair for ideas to keep the kids busy, look no fur­ther than the Riv­er Murray.

There’s plen­ty to see and do, and for all ages and abil­i­ties. Here are our top five ideas for fam­i­lies want­i­ng to either chillax dur­ing the break or add some adven­ture to their summer:

1. Get out­doorsand go camping

Get your skates on and plan a camp­ing trip.

There’s so much choice for riv­er camp­ing. Whether you’re a new­bie and want to get under the stars for a night or two, or you’re sea­soned campers ready to roll out the swags for longer, there’s some­thing on the riv­er just for you.

Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park offers options from being total­ly self-suf­fi­cient right through to sites with amenities.

The park is long and stretch­es along the riv­er around the towns of Berri and Ren­mark. Head to Lyrup Flats on the north­ern side of the riv­er for bird­watch­ing, fish­ing and camping.

If your four-wheels are itch­ing for a beach run, look no fur­ther than Coorong Nation­al Park. Just remem­ber to book before you go.

Top tip: With kids on board, plan­ning trips and get­ting there can be just as fun as the des­ti­na­tion. So check out our camp­ing with kids blog and get ready to enjoy the river.

2. Gid­dyup

No need to quit hors­ing around these hol­i­days because the Riv­er Mur­ray is exact­ly the place to get on a high horse.

Options vary, from dusk and dawn treks to group lessons and trail rides, so take your Old Town Road off a beat­en track this summer.

If you love the idea of hors­es Daryl Braith­waite style, head to Gool­wa Beach where you can ride along the coast as long as you have a permit.

Top tip: Check out our blog for more horsey spots along the Riv­er Murray.

3. Get on your bike

Why not hop on a bike to explore the riv­er. From the 30-kilo­me­tre Encounter Bike­way from the Bluff at Vic­tor Har­bor to Gool­wa, to the more chal­leng­ing moun­tain bike trails of the Kinchi­na Con­ser­va­tion Park near Mur­ray Bridge, there’s a path for every ped­dling lev­el… and it’s free.

Those with younger kids – or a lit­tle rusty on wheels – should try the Mat­ulick River­front Trail in Ren­mark. At 3.5 km it’s the per­fect warm-up for the longer 6.7 km Lock 5 loop circuit.

Top tip: Check out more Riv­er Mur­ray cycling spots in our blog. Hap­pi­er with your feet firm­ly on the ground? Then check out our blog on walks around the Riv­er Mur­ray instead.

4. Noth­ing to do? Jump in a canoe!

One of the best ways to real­ly dis­cov­er the riv­er is to go with the flow. Mean­der through wet­lands and water­ways and take some time to look out for wildlife.

The Riv­er Mur­ray is home to some of Australia’s most amaz­ing plants and ani­mals, with some only found in par­tic­u­lar sec­tions of the river.

Watch emus, birds and kan­ga­roos watch­ing you back, and look out for seals in the Coorong.

If you don’t have a kayak gath­er­ing cob­webs at home, there’s always the hire option that can also light­en your load.

If a guid­ed tour is more to your lik­ing, try a wet­lands tour, a River­land or Coorong sun­set pad­dle, or even an overnight canoe camp.

Bird-watch­ing tours and four-day expe­di­tions are also avail­able for larg­er groups. Just remem­ber to pad­dle safe­ly and be sun smart.

5. Fol­low a trail of food and wine

After so many days focused on the kids, might be high time to put the par­ents first. Don’t just stick to the well-worn Barossa and Clare val­leys, there’s great winer­ies all along the riv­er too.

It makes sense – more than a quar­ter of Australia’s wine grape pro­duc­tion is in the River­land. From the winer­ies of Lang­horne Creek near the start of the riv­er, to the South­ern Hemisphere’s biggest win­ery and dis­tillery Berri Estates, there’s plen­ty to see and an occa­sion­al sip to enjoy.

If gin is more your style, why not tour and taste at Renmark’s award-win­ning Twen­ty Third Street dis­tillery. Or if you’d rather sail to your ale, dock river­side to enjoy the Wool­shed Brew­ery at Murtho.

Those with a sweet tooth can try an ulti­mate choco­late expe­ri­ence at Haven­hand Choco­lates or grab a plat­ter to go from Illalan­gi, both in Waik­erie.

See ourFun things to do along the Riv­er Mur­rayblog for more hol­i­day ideas. 

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in April 2018 and has been updat­ed with fresh ideas.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living