Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

Get insid­er tips on the best places to vis­it and must do’ activ­i­ties from Ranger Niamh Douglas.

Locat­ed about a 3‑hour dri­ve north of Ade­laide in South Australia’s South­ern Flinders Ranges, Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park is home to dra­mat­ic gorges, abun­dant wildlife, pic­ture-per­fect ranges and mag­nif­i­cent, scenic cliff-top views. It is tru­ly breath­tak­ing in every sense of the word.

The park is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for campers, hik­ers, bird watch­ers and cyclists.

Want to see it for your­self? We’ve asked Park Ranger Niamh Dou­glasfor her tips to help you make the most of your next vis­it. Here’s what she had to say:

Which camp­site is your favourite and why?

While all of our camp­grounds are love­ly and offer dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ences, I per­son­al­ly like the Baroo­ta Camp­ground. It’s eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and offers a more seclud­ed bush camp­ing feel, with the bonus of being just a short dri­ve away from the facil­i­ties like hot show­ers at the Mam­bray Creek Camp­ground.

Top tip: No tent, no wor­ries! You can book the Mam­bray Creek Cab­in at the Mt Remark­able Camp­ground. It sleeps four peo­ple in bunk beds and has cook­ing facilities.

Camp­site 9, Baroo­ta Campground

What’s Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park’s best kept secret?

The Mam­bray Creek Val­ley. It’s eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and only a short walk from the Day Vis­i­tor Area at Mam­bray Creek.

You’ll find your­self on a trail enclosed by rocky out­crops, native pines, gums trees and wildlife.

It’s very serene and makes you feel like you’re a mil­lion miles away from every­thing. It’s a great place for qui­et reflec­tion or peace­ful activ­i­ties such as read­ing, sketch­ing or bird watching.

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

What’s your favourite activ­i­ty to enjoy in the park?

Hav­ing lunch down at the Day Vis­i­tor Area at Mam­bray Creek. It’s love­ly sit­ting among the wildlife and lis­ten­ing to the creek trick­le past. It’s a great spot to enjoy time with fam­i­ly and friends.

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

What’s your favourite walk­ing trail in the park?

The Hid­den Gorge Hike. It’s a long and chal­leng­ing 18 km trail that show­cas­es many high­lights of Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park, includ­ing the beau­ti­ful Mam­bray Creek Val­ley, amaz­ing views of the Spencer Gulf from the top of the Bat­tery Track and the stun­ning geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions of Hid­den Gorge.

Top tip: Con­sid­er split­ting the hike over two days and stay overnight at Hid­den Camp­ground, locat­ed 7 km from the Mam­bray Creek Day Vis­i­tor Area. This camp­ground is one of 11 camp­grounds that are only acces­si­ble on foot. These camp­grounds must be booked direct­ly through the Clare Nat­ur­al Resources Cen­tre and due to safe­ty rea­sons are closed dur­ing fire dan­ger sea­son (usu­al­ly Novem­ber to April).

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

When is the best time to vis­it the park?

All sea­sons have their appeal, although autumn through to spring is our most pop­u­lar time for vis­it­ing the park.

The first rains of the sea­son gen­er­al­ly come in autumn and it makes the park come alive.

Peo­ple love com­ing in for week­end walks through Alli­ga­tor Gorge and hav­ing their first camp­fires of the sea­son at the Mam­bray Creek camp­ground – once the fire dan­ger sea­son has ended.

Win­ter brings out the reju­ve­nat­ing rains and wildlife. It’s a great time of year to go on mul­ti-day hikes and real­ly explore the park.

Spring is beau­ti­ful as every­thing is in bloom, the wildlife and birds are very active and it’s a great time for pic­nics by the creek with friends and family.

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

Where’s the best spot to see a yel­low-foot­ed rock wallaby?

The yel­low-foot­ed rock wal­la­by is some­what of an elu­sive ani­mal, how­ev­er there are a few places that they can be spot­ted. Try along the Hid­den Gorge Hike, up on the Bat­tery Ridge, and along the Mam­bray Creek Val­ley toward Scar­fes Hut.

Ranger tips: Mount Remarkable National Park

Park of the Month

Through­out June, Mount Remark­able Nation­al Park is being cel­e­brat­ed as Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Australia’s Park of the Month. There’s lots of events and activ­i­ties to get involved in – check the web­site for all the details.

Look­ing for more ideas for your next vis­it? Check out this one-day itin­er­ary to make the most of your vis­it to this icon­ic park

Main image: Ranger Niamh Douglas

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living