Explore art and wildlife at Cleland this summer

Explore art and wildlife at Cleland this summer

Loud@Cleland, a solo art exhi­bi­tion from emerg­ing Aus­tralian artist Tim Mer­el, com­menced this week and will be on dis­play for the next six months.

The exhi­bi­tion will fea­ture more than 20 of Tim’s recent works and is on dis­play in the Cle­land gift shop.

The Loud@Cleland exhi­bi­tion promis­es to offer Cle­land vis­i­tors a unique new per­spec­tive on Aus­tralian wildlife. 

So try and see your­selves in the eyes of the wildlife! We hope the exhi­bi­tion encour­ages vis­i­tors to focus their minds on the con­ser­va­tion of these extra­or­di­nary ani­mals that we all love so much.

Explore art and wildlife at Cleland this summer

What inspires the artist

I’m always aim­ing to achieve wildlife por­traits beyond sim­ple rep­re­sen­ta­tion. I call the works light­cuts — like wood­cuts made with light — using my own orig­i­nal prac­tice. My medi­um is fine art pig­ment on giclée metal­lic paper,” Tim said.

I like the work being loud with­out forc­ing any pre­con­ceived mes­sages. That goes for both com­po­si­tion and colour. As the art­work seems to be a mir­ror for the view­er – dif­fer­ent folks take dif­fer­ent mean­ing from the same work – my hope is that it helps peo­ple think about wildlife in a per­son­al way. 

What I’ve dis­cov­ered is that the strong images and colours speak to a broad range of peo­ple. Lit­tle kids, tradies, Sil­i­con Val­ley engi­neers and Ital­ian bil­lion­aires all seem to get it. Not some­thing I expected.”

Explore art and wildlife at Cleland this summer

Why exhib­it at Cleland?

Cle­land Wildlife Park has been a major attrac­tion in South Aus­tralia since 1967, play­ing a key role in con­nect­ing vis­i­tors with Aus­tralian wildlife. 

The park pro­vides an immer­sive nature expe­ri­ence, enabling vis­i­tors to engage and learn about South Australia’s icon­ic ani­mals in their nat­ur­al habi­tat as they learn more about conservation. 

Engage­ment with native and endan­gered SA ani­mals remains our num­ber one pri­or­i­ty, man­aged by Cleland’s pas­sion­ate and expe­ri­enced keepers.

You can see all Tim’s exhib­it­ed works at www​.tim​mer​el​.com.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living