Gather Round for great discounts at selected DEW attractions

Gather Round for great discounts at selected DEW attractions

To help you make the most of your time in South Aus­tralia, we’re offer­ing 10% off some of our sites — just show your Gath­er Round tick­et when you arrive between Thurs­day 10 April and Sun­day 13 April 2025.

Meet the locals at Cle­land Wildlife Park

Just 25 min­utes from the city, Cle­land Wildlife Park is the per­fect spot to unwind between match­es. Wan­der among free-roam­ing kan­ga­roos, get up close to a koala, and dis­cov­er some of South Australia’s most icon­ic wildlife.

Make sure you wear your walk­ing shoes, and pack a hat and sun­screen. Spread over 35 hectares, the park is prob­a­bly big­ger than you expect – although there is plen­ty to see with­in a short walk of the main entrance too.

Families can get up close with kangaroos at Cleland Wildlife Park.
Fam­i­lies can get up close with kan­ga­roos at Cle­land Wildlife Park.

Step back in time at Ade­laide Gaol

Step back in time and uncov­er sto­ries of mys­tery at Ade­laide Gaol, one of Adelaide’s old­est and most intrigu­ing build­ings. From 1841 to 1988, this his­toric site housed some of South Australia’s most noto­ri­ous felons and was one of the country’s longest con­tin­u­ous­ly oper­at­ing prisons. 

Wan­der through the old cells on a self-guid­ed tour, learn about dar­ing escapes and infa­mous inmates, and if you’re up for a chal­lenge, try crack­ing the codes in one of the Gaol’s Escape Cells — with options for both kids and adults, it’s a fun way to test your wits and escape the ordinary.

Step back in time and discover stories from Adelaide Gaol on a family day out.
Step back in time and dis­cov­er sto­ries from Ade­laide Gaol on a fam­i­ly day out.

Go under­ground at Nara­coorte and Tan­ta­noola Caves

Trav­el­ling from Vic­to­ria for Gath­er Round? Make the jour­ney part of the adven­ture by stop­ping at South Australia’s world-famous caves along the way

The team and Naracoorte embracing the footy spirit alongside the diprotodon at Naracoorte Caves.
The team and Nara­coorte embrac­ing the footy spir­it along­side the diprotodon at Nara­coorte Caves.

How to claim your discount

It’s sim­ple — just show your Gath­er Round tick­et when you arrive and book on-site between Thurs­day 10 April and Sun­day 13 April 2025 to receive 10% off your entry or tour. Whether you’re a vis­i­tor or a local mak­ing the most of the event, this is the per­fect chance to explore some of South Australia’s best nature and her­itage experiences.

Terms and Conditions

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living