Demystifying parks passes

Demystifying parks passes

Dis­cov­er which pass you need to save mon­ey on vehi­cle entry fees for South Australia’s nation­al parks.

If you enjoy vis­it­ing nation­al parks, a parks pass is a great way to save mon­ey and help plan your trip.

In some South Aus­tralian parks a fee applies for vehi­cle entry. Parks pass­es cov­er vehi­cle access, but if you want to camp or stay overnight you’ll need to pay extra.

There are six pass­es avail­able for pur­chase via the Nation­al Parks South Aus­tralia web­site or through a range of out­lets, all with their own dis­tinct advantages.

The first thing to do is fig­ure out which pass is best for you

The Hol­i­day Park Pass is best for short-term vis­i­tors as it pro­vides access to a num­ber of parks for a two-month peri­od. If you want to vis­it year-round a Mul­ti Park Pass pro­vides access to the same parks for 12 months.

Sin­gle Park Pass­es are best if you have a favourite park that you vis­it mul­ti­ple times a year, as they pro­vide 12 months of access.

The Desert Parks Pass has the out­back cov­ered and is essen­tial if you plan on vis­it­ing the Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Region­al Reserve or trav­el­ling east of Dalhousie.

The Kan­ga­roo Island Tour Pass pro­vides access to not only Flinders Chase Nation­al Park but the Seal Bay board­walk tour and look out plus admis­sion to a num­ber of unique tours:

The table below sum­maris­es the dif­fer­ent pass­es, detail­ing costs and how long they’re valid for. Click on the name of each pass to see which parks it includes.

Types of mul­ti­ple entry park passes? 

PassDura­tionParks includ­edPrice/​ConsCamp­ing
Hol­i­day2 months11$40/$32n/​a
Sin­gle Park12 monthsChoose 1 of 12$60/$50n/​a
Sin­gle – Belair Nation­al Park12 monthsBelair$66/$53n/​a
Mul­ti Park12 months11$90/$70n/​a
Desert Parks12 months7$163.20includ­ed
KI Tour Pass12 months1 + attractionsvar­i­ousn/​a

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living