Celebrate Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park this January

Celebrate Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park this January

Imag­ine begin­ning your day with beach­side yoga, sur­round­ed by the sounds of the ocean’s waves. Or, per­haps you’d pre­fer paint­ing water­colours on the beach? For the adven­tur­ous, snor­kel­ing through crys­tal-clear water might be just your style. 

This Jan­u­ary, we’re excit­ed to invite you to expe­ri­ence a range of activ­i­ties as part of Park of the Month.

Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park is ide­al for camp­ing, fish­ing, surf­ing and bush­walk­ing. You’ll spot an abun­dance of birds and ani­mals while you catch some of the best coastal views in South Australia.

There real­ly is some­thing for every­one here. You can vis­it one of the light­hous­es and the Ethel ship­wreck to learn about the tumul­tuous mar­itime his­to­ry of SA, you can base your­self in one of the restored her­itage cot­tages dot­ted through­out his­toric Inneston, an aban­doned town­ship sur­round­ed by bush­land, or you can take a stroll from your camp­site to the beach for a spot of fish­ing.

And because all of the park is acces­si­ble by 2‑wheel-dri­ve, it’s easy to get around.

Check out the full pro­gram of activ­i­ties on offer below: 

Guid­ed Snorkel of Chi­na­mans Hat Sanc­tu­ary Zone

Sat­ur­day 4 Jan­u­ary (Fees apply) 

Explore the under­wa­ter won­ders of Chi­na­mans Hat Sanc­tu­ary, part of the South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park and bor­der­ing Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park. Join Expe­ri­ence Marine Sanc­tu­ar­ies and park rangers for a guid­ed snorkel. 

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Ranger guid­ed Reef Ramble 

Fri­day 3 and Sat­ur­day 11 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Join park rangers to explore the inter­tidal reef of Pon­dalowie Bay and dis­cov­er the amaz­ing marine life of the South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park. 

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Water­colours at Sun­set: Paint­ing on the beach 

Fri­day 3 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Join us for a fun and reflec­tive way to end the day — draw­ing and paint­ing togeth­er on the beach. This part­ly guid­ed activ­i­ty is suit­able for begin­ners who want to learn how to cap­ture a scene, use some basic water­colours and immerse in a sunset. 

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Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty – MEGAfau­na of the Great South­ern Reef

Sun­day 5 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Look­ing for a fun hol­i­day activ­i­ty for the whole fam­i­ly? Dive into the won­ders of the Great South­ern Reef’s MEGAfau­na in a thrilling 360° VR expe­ri­ence, per­fect for kids (and adults) of all abil­i­ties this school hol­i­day season.

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Yoga fol­lowed by art on the beach 

Sun­day 5 Jan­u­ary (Fees apply)

Join local yoga instruc­tor Leila from Mov­ingswell and Jes­si­ca, Nature Edu­ca­tion Coor­di­na­tor, for the first ever yoga and art activ­i­ty on the beach. Leila will guide a beau­ti­ful morn­ing yoga ses­sion fol­lowed by a com­pli­men­ta­ry art and nature plan­ning ses­sion guid­ed by Jessica. 

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Movies in the Park: Sea Lions Life by a Whisker’

Sun­day 5 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Nar­rat­ed by leg­endary actor Sam Neill immerse your­self in the cap­ti­vat­ing fam­i­ly friend­ly doc­u­men­tary Sea Lions: Life by a Whisker”. Orig­i­nal­ly screened at Imax cin­e­mas, get ready to be amazed by these fas­ci­nat­ing creatures. 

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Dis­cov­er a marine sanc­tu­ary: Ranger-guid­ed beach walk

Mon­day 6 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Join our parks team on a beach­walk and par­tic­i­pate in a beach­comb­ing activ­i­ty. Learn about marine park sanc­tu­ar­ies, what lives in the South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park, and enjoy fun dis­cov­ery activ­i­ties suit­able for the whole family.

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Sea shells by the seashore: Ranger-guid­ed walk

Wednes­day 8 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Join Park Ranger Jamie for a guid­ed stroll along the sandy shores and dis­cov­er the fas­ci­nat­ing world of seashells. Learn how to iden­ti­fy dif­fer­ent shells, uncov­er the sto­ries of the marine crea­tures that call them home, and explore the incred­i­ble diver­si­ty of shapes, colours, and textures. 

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Ranger-guid­ed walk: Birds of Pon­dalowie Bay

Tues­day 7 Jan­u­ary and Sat­ur­day 18 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Walk with rangers through one of their favorite bird habi­tats with­in the park and get the chance to spot a range of birds who utilise this diverse coastal area. Learn about how rangers look after birds with­in the park, with plen­ty of time for shar­ing ques­tions and observations.

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Wal­la­bies after dark: Ranger-guid­ed night walk

Wednes­day 8 Jan­u­ary and Thurs­day 23 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Come and see the once local­ly extinct tam­mar wal­la­by on a ranger-guid­ed night walk through the his­toric Inneston Town­ship. These shy and noc­tur­nal mar­su­pi­als have quite an inter­est­ing story!

Learn about how the wal­la­bies became extinct on the main­land of South Aus­tralia and how they were suc­cess­ful­ly re-intro­duced to Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park all the way from New Zealand.

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Mar­na Bang­gara Adven­ture Quest

Fri­day 20 Decem­ber and Thurs­day 29 Jan­u­ary (FREE)

Com­plete an Adven­ture Quest Activ­i­ty Sheet in the park. Your mis­sion is to answer 5 mind-bog­gling ques­tions about brush-tailed bet­tongs and uncov­er the secret word. To help you, vis­it the loca­tions marked X on the map for clues. As a bonus, all par­tic­i­pants can enter into a draw for a chance to win a fan­tas­tic fam­i­ly pass to Ade­laide Zoo.

Find out more 

What’s com­ing for Park of the Month

Events and activ­i­ties for each month are not released until close to the month. To keep up-to-date, sub­scribe to our mail­ing list, fol­low us on Face­book or check back here.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living