12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

Want to cap­ture the per­fect land­scape pho­to? Head to these spots and you’re bound to snap a beauty.

From the serene bush­land of the Ade­laide Hills, to the rugged cliffs of Kan­ga­roo Island and the out­back beau­ty of the Flinders Ranges, the diverse land­scapes of South Australia’s nation­al parks are what make them so special.

Our parks real­ly are a photographer’s dream, with stun­ning views around every corner.

Here’s where to go for some of the best of them:

1. Razor­back Look­out, Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park

The dirt track weav­ing across the top of the ridgetop with the impres­sive Hey­sen Range as its back­drop is an icon­ic scene of the Flinders Ranges in out­back SA

It’s been cap­tured from Razor­back Look­out, which can be found on the Bun­yeroo Road in Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

2. Bun­da Cliffs Look­out, Nullar­bor Nation­al Park

The spec­tac­u­lar Bun­da Cliffs in Nullar­bor Nation­al Park form part of the longest unin­ter­rupt­ed sea cliffs in the world. 

A num­ber of look­outs acces­si­ble from the Eyre High­way offer panoram­ic views of the cliffs and the Great Aus­tralian Bight. 

If you vis­it in the cool­er months (May to Sep­tem­ber), keep your eye out for south­ern right whales.

(Image courtesy of @aussie_places)
(Image cour­tesy of @aussie_places)

3. Cape du Couedic, Flinders Chase Nation­al Park

Cape du Couedic in Flinders Chase Nation­al Park is a photographer’s dream, as the rugged south coast of Kan­ga­roo Island pro­vides the per­fect can­vas for stun­ning land­scape photography. 

Also locat­ed near­by are the famous land­marks of Admi­rals Arch and Remark­able Rocks.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

4. Mount Lofty Sum­mit, Cle­land Nation­al Park

Mount Lofty Sum­mit, in Cle­land Nation­al Park, stands 727 m above sea lev­el and pro­vides the best view of Ade­laide because of its unin­ter­rupt­ed outlook.

On a clear day, you might even spot Yorke Penin­su­la on the oth­er side of Gulf St Vincent.

There are plen­ty of walk­ing trails near­by and lots of facil­i­ties, includ­ing an infor­ma­tion cen­tre, café and restau­rant. Why not make a day of it and vis­it the near­by Cle­land Wildlife Park where you can see a huge vari­ety of Aus­tralian wildlife.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

5. Cape Spencer, Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park

Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park’s Cape Spencer is the most souther­ly point of Yorke Penin­su­la and is one of our favourite van­tage points. 

The park itself is renowned for its rugged coast, pris­tine beach­es and abun­dant wildlife. Just recent­ly, it became home to the new Gulawul­gawi Ngun­da Nhagu – Cape Spencer Look­out, just a 10-minute dri­ve into the park.

From here you’ll get unspoilt 360-degree views of the tow­er­ing sea cliffs, Inves­ti­ga­tor Strait and South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park, as well as Kan­ga­roo Island in the distance.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

6. Blow­hole Beach, Deep Creek Nation­al Park

Deep Creek Nation­al Park is locat­ed only 100 km south of Ade­laide and has so much to offer. 

The pris­tine Blow­hole Beach is a peren­ni­al favourite of land­scape pho­tog­ra­phers. It’s locat­ed at the bot­tom of a steep 4WD track and is a pop­u­lar fish­ing and surf­ing spot.

If you don’t have a 4WD, you can park at the Cob­bler Hill Pic­nic Area and take the Blow­hole Beach Hik­ing trail. This hike may seem easy on the way down, but on the return climb the incline is steep.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

9. Escarp­ment Look­out, Kanku-Break­aways Con­ser­va­tion Park

This remote park, locat­ed north of the opal min­ing town of Coober Pedy offers dra­mat­ic scenery that seems out of this world. 

When the sun sets and ris­es over the harsh desert land­scape, the colours of the Kanku Break­aways Con­ser­va­tion Park come to life.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

10. Black Hill Sum­mit, Black Hill Con­ser­va­tion Park

Locat­ed on the edge of Adelaide’s north-east­ern sub­urbs, Black Hill Con­ser­va­tion Park boasts an exten­sive net­work of walk­ing trails, with the 4.2 km Black Hill Sum­mit Hike offer­ing spec­tac­u­lar views over Adelaide.

The trail is steep in sec­tions and it is rat­ed as a hard hike, so be pre­pared. And you’re your eye out for kan­ga­roos, koalas, echid­nas and native birds.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

11. Wait­pin­ga Cliffs, New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park

Locat­ed about 15 km south-west of Vic­tor Har­bor, New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park offers spec­tac­u­lar scenery and pris­tine beach­es. The park is pop­u­lar with campers, surfers, fish­ers, bush­walk­ers and rock climbers.

The dra­mat­ic Wait­pin­ga Cliffs, with their near-ver­ti­cal drop-off, are a stun­ning sight. The 8.6 km Coastal Cliffs Loop Hik­ing Trail that leaves from the Wait­pin­ga Camp­ground offers views of these cliffs as well as the Encounter Marine Park and Encounter Bay. 

If you’re lucky you might even catch a glimpse of a white-bel­lied sea-eagle.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

12. Cullen Bay, Canun­da Nation­al Park

Locat­ed near the Lime­stone Coast town­ship of Southend, Canun­da Nation­al Parks Cullen Bay deliv­ers amaz­ing views coastal rock for­ma­tions cre­at­ed through the pow­er­ful wave action of the South­ern Ocean.

12 of the best views in South Australia’s national parks

About the photographers

All of these stun­ning pho­tographs have been tak­en by park vis­i­tors who shared their snaps on Insta­gram.
Want some point­ers for tak­ing pho­tographs in nature? Check out our blog for some insid­er tips.

(Main image cour­tesy of Nick Dunn – @ndunn)

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in Novem­ber 2018 and has been updat­ed with new information. 

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living