10 things to see and do at Deep Creek National Park

10 things to see and do at Deep Creek National Park

Get your­self ready for an unfor­get­table escape with these ideas from our park insiders.

Locat­ed 100 kilo­me­tres south of Ade­laide, Deep Creek Nation­al Park was estab­lished in 1971 and has been one of South Australia’s most loved camp­ing des­ti­na­tions ever since. 

Whether vis­it­ing for a daytrip or stay­ing longer to camp, you’ll have time to explore some of the 15 walk­ing trails, let­ting the spec­tac­u­lar land­scapes invig­o­rate and soothe your soul.

The park has the largest remain­ing stringy­bark for­est in the region, wild­flow­ers that bloom every sea­son, and more than 400 native plant species through­out. This beau­ti­ful set­ting pro­vides habi­tat for an array of Aus­tralian wildlife such as west­ern grey kan­ga­roos, scar­let robins, yel­low-tailed black cock­a­toos, south­ern brown bandi­coots and beard­ed drag­ons – just to name a few.

While vis­it­ing it is impor­tant to acknowl­edge the deep spir­i­tu­al con­nec­tion Kau­r­na and Ngar­rind­jeri peo­ple have with the region. So be respect­ful – leave noth­ing behind besides your footprints.

If you’re keen to expe­ri­ence the park for your­self, autumn is an ide­al time to vis­it. It brings cool­er days and new life begins to emerge every­where you look. Re-ener­gise and draw in some new life for your­self, get a taste of adven­ture dur­ing the day, and at night relax under a sky so clear you can gaze deep into the Milky Way.

Here are 10 ideas to explore on your next trip, pre­pared for you by the park’s pas­sion­ate rangers and Nature Play SA:

  1. Watch the sun­set over Kan­ga­roo Island from Cob­bler Hill Pic­nic Area, and keep an eye out for wildlife that become active at dusk, such as ring-tailed pos­sums, bats and west­ern grey kangaroos.
  2. In late autumn and ear­ly win­ter take a stroll along the Stringy­bark Loop and spot a vari­ety of fun­gi, such as coral fun­gi, dye balls, and lit­tle bleeders.
  3. Fol­low­ing the end of total fire ban in late autumn, book a site such as Tapanap­pa Camp­ground and toast marsh­mal­lows over a camp­fire.
  4. For those up for a day-long chal­lenge, ven­ture the Deep Creek Cir­cuit Hike (11 km return), which offers amaz­ing views of the park and plen­ti­ful encoun­ters with wildlife such as echid­nas and blue­tongue lizards.
  5. From Cob­bler Hill, Tapanap­pa, or Trig Camp­ground, or as a day­long endeav­or, find a part of the Hey­sen Trail to walk in the ear­ly morn­ing and spot the res­i­dent birds, such as the superb fairy-wrens and white-browed scrub-wrens.
  6. Head to Tapanap­pa Look­out and walk either the Deep Creek Cove Hike that leads down to the beach, or the Deep Creek Water­fall Hike for a view of the stun­ning waterfall.
  7. In the evening, just before sun­set, find a spot around your camp­ground to sit and watch the sky for bats as they become active. You may also get a glimpse of the yel­low-foot­ed antech­i­nus or the elu­sive south­ern brown bandi­coot.
  8. On a calm day head down to Blow­hole Beach via Blow­hole Beach Hike, or get there with your four wheel dri­ve, to explore the shore­line and see what nat­ur­al trea­sures have washed up, such as cup sponges, cut­tle­fish and dif­fer­ent types of sea­weed.
  9. On a clear night find some­where around your camp­site to watch the night sky, spot the Milky Way and South­ern Cross – stargaz­ing smart­phone apps are avail­able to help.
  10. On a fog­gy morn­ing, stroll along the For­est Cir­cuit Walk and expe­ri­ence how dif­fer­ent the for­est feels in these conditions.

Here’s a glimpse into what you can see at Deep Creek:

Deep Creek Nation­al Park 

The ques­tion now is…why wouldn’t you? Book now to secure your favourite camp­site for your next vis­it, or head along on a day trip.

Deep Creek Nation­al Park is fea­tured asNation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­traliaPark of the Month for April, but there’s plen­ty to see and do all year round.

For more ideas of things to look out for in oth­er South Aus­tralian parks, be sure to type 10 things to see and do’ in the search option at the top of this page.

(Main image cour­tesy of Den­nis May)

This sto­ry was orig­i­nal­ly post­ed in April 2017.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living