Park of the Month Events

Park of the Month Events

April - Citizen Science in parks

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

IN-PERSON EVENT: Walk Fest 2025

When: Sunday 6th April
Where: Belair National Park
Who: Walking SA and local partners including National Parks and Wildlife Service
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

IN-PERSON EVENT: Ethical Photography and iNaturalist in-the-field Workshop

When: Saturday 12th April
Where: Naracoorte South Primary School gymnasium and Naracoorte Conservation Park
Who: Presented by Rosalie Lawrence, Native Orchid Society of South Australia, and Friends of Bool and Hacks Lagoons
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

IN-PERSON EVENT: Bush Bioblitz

When: Sunday 13th April
Where: Kinchina Conservation Park
Who: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

ONLINE EVENT: Bats of the Bush – Webinar for international bat appreciation day

When: Thursday 17th April
Where: Online
Who: Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

IN PERSON EVENT: Possum picnic at The Bee Hub

When: Saturday 26th April
Where: The Bee Hub and Brownhill Creek Conservation Park
Cost: $10 to $30

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

iNATURALIST EVENT: City Nature Challenge – Greater Adelaide

When: Friday 25th to Monday 28th April
Where: The entire Greater Adelaide region, incorporating numerous NPWS Parks, e.g. Deep Creek National Park, Belair National Park, and the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
Who: Hosted online by Ferox Australis through the iNaturalist program
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

iNATURALIST EVENT: Marine Hitchhikers of the Green Adelaide Region

When: All Month
Where: Waters of Eastern Gulf St. Vincent
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

RESOURCE: Find and Share Citizen Science Projects with SciStarter Australia

A nationwide initiative building a platform for finding and sharing Australian-based citizen science projects via an online database

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

RESOURCE: Nature Maps Online Training Workshop

Pre-recorded workshop available online
Credit: Green Adelaide and Lilian Mackintosh
Cost: Free

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

RESOURCE: A guide to iNaturalist

The Atlas of Living Australia guide to using iNaturalist in Australia
Credit: Thomas Mesaglio, Atlas of Living Australia

What’s com­ing for Park of the Month

Events and activ­i­ties for each month are not released until close to the month. To keep up-to-date, sub­scribe to our mail­ing list, fol­low us on Face­book or check back here.


March – Parks of Fleurieu Peninsula

April – Cit­i­zen Sci­ence in parks

May – Parks of the Murraylands

June – Parks of the Barossa 

July – Ikara Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park

Aug – Innam­inc­ka Region­al Reserve and Malkum­ba-Coongie Lakes Nation­al Park

Sep – Low­er Eyre Penin­su­la parks

Oct – Cel­e­brat­ing the Nature Fes­ti­val

Nov – Ade­laide Inter­na­tion­al Bird Sanc­tu­ary-Winaity­i­naityi Pangkara

Dec – Encounter Marine Park and Ade­laide Dol­phin Sanctuary