Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park

Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park

Park fees:
Vehicle entry: $10.90 per vehicle
Fees must be paid before entry to the park. Campsite fees are per night, subject to availability.
750.15km from Adelaide
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Check the lat­est Desert Parks Bul­letin before vis­it­ing this park.

Wab­ma Kadar­bu is the site of an Ara­bana Dream­ing sto­ry, it lit­er­al­ly trans­lates to snake head’.

The Blanche Cup and The Bub­bler are nat­ur­al arte­sian springs cre­at­ed from water deep with­in the Great Arte­sian Basin which fil­ters to the sur­face, form­ing mounds and bub­bling ponds. The wet­lands cre­at­ed by the spring’s over­flow pro­vide habi­tat to a vari­ety of waterbirds.

It is here among this frag­ile and arid envi­ron­ment that the extinct mound spring of Hamil­ton Hill can also be found.