Encounter Marine Park

Encounter Marine Park

Park fees:
Free entry
34km from Adelaide
Booking FAQs

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Just a short dri­ve from Ade­laide you are treat­ed with spec­tac­u­lar snorkelling and div­ing loca­tions, whale watch­ing areas and great fish­ing spots.

Stretch­ing from Fleurieu Penin­su­la to the north-east­ern coast of Kan­ga­roo Island and the Coorong, the park pro­vides plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to enjoy the diverse marine life includ­ing leafy sea drag­ons, Aus­tralian sea lions, dol­phins and south­ern right whales.

Fish­ing is very pop­u­lar with­in the park and can be under­tak­en on jet­ties and most beach­es, but is pro­hib­it­ed in sanc­tu­ary zones.

Sanc­tu­ary zones are the core con­ser­va­tion areas, cre­at­ed in key loca­tions such as Port Noar­lun­ga Reef and Pel­i­can Lagoon. Sanc­tu­ary zones pro­tect all ani­mals and plants from harm, help­ing vis­i­tors to sea life naturally’.

Watch the videos to see what Encounter Marine Park has to offer.

Park maps

It is impor­tant to read the pdf map capa­bil­i­ty state­ment and dis­claimer before using these maps. Please be aware that the land­ward bound­aries of Marine Parks are defined as the medi­an high water (unless oth­er­wise spec­i­fied). Mapped shore­line is rep­re­sen­ta­tive only.

It is rec­om­mend­ed any geo-ref­er­enced pdf maps or GPS files and the appro­pri­ate apps are down­loaded and installed pri­or to leav­ing home due to lack of net­work con­nec­tiv­i­ty in remote areas.

SA Marine Parks Maps

Down­load­able spa­tial data (GPS coordinates)

You can down­load GPS files for all marine park zones in a num­ber of for­mats. It is impor­tant to read the GPS data capa­bil­i­ty state­ment and dis­claimer before using these maps. 

Find out how to use the GPS coor­di­nates files.

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