Mount George Conservation Park

Mount George Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
19.67km from Adelaide
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This park is tra­di­tion­al­ly the land of the Kau­r­na Peo­ples. Dur­ing the 1840s much of the sur­round­ing area was cleared by Euro­pean set­tlers for farm­ing and mar­ket gar­dens. Today, due to the con­ser­va­tion efforts of the local com­mu­ni­ty and the region’s cool win­ter con­di­tions, Mount George Con­ser­va­tion Park fea­tures a great vari­ety of veg­e­ta­tion and spring flowers.

There are many walk­ing trails to explore in the park, rang­ing in dura­tion from 15 min­utes to 2 hours. A sec­tion of the Hey­sen Trail also pass­es through the park. The park is divid­ed into two zones. You can walk your dog in the recre­ation zone, between Mount George Road and Cox Creek, pro­vid­ing you keep it on a lead and under your con­trol at all times.

As you enter the recre­ation area, mar­vel at the majes­tic Moun­tain Gums. Look out for pea flow­ers, ground-hug­ging cor­reas and a vari­ety of delight­ful native orchids. Many native birds can be seen around the trees and shrubs, includ­ing superb blue wrens, red-browed finch­es, white-throat­ed tree creep­ers and scar­let robins. Many mam­mals and rep­tiles also exist in the park.

Park maps

Google Street View

Want to explore a trail before you leave home or use Google Maps to nav­i­gate straight from your door to the trailhead?

We’ve worked with Google to film more than 600km of walk­ing trails, park roads, camp­grounds and water­ways in some of our most beau­ti­ful places. Click to see what the parks offer and the avail­able facil­i­ties before you go. This is an espe­cial­ly great tool if you have acces­si­bil­i­ty needs, are vis­it­ing with peo­ple of vary­ing ages or fit­ness lev­els or are push­ing a pram and want to view a trail before leav­ing home.

You can start explor­ing this park on Google Street View using the links below.

Walk­ing trails

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