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Walk-in campgrounds

Four bespoke walk-in campgrounds are dotted along the Wild South Coast Way. These low-impact campgrounds are nestled amongst nature and provide quality facilities.

Camp­ing is only per­mit­ted in des­ig­nat­ed sites in camp­grounds. Fees apply and you must book in advance. 

All walk-in camp­grounds have: 

  • 10 tim­ber or earth­en tent pads
  • shel­ter with seat­ing, bench­es, sink with untreat­ed rain­wa­ter, hooks and solar-pow­ered USB charg­ing ports
  • water­less toilets
  • rain­wa­ter tanks (non-potable).

Each camp­site holds a max­i­mum of two peo­ple. Some of the earth tent pads are large enough to hold two one-per­son tents.

The tim­ber plat­forms include pop-up anchors on the plat­forms and tie-downs along the edges of the plat­forms to assist in pro­vid­ing options for pitch­ing tents. We rec­om­mend that you use some cre­ativ­i­ty in util­is­ing these, and bring extra tie-down cord to assist you to find the best option for pitch­ing your tent for the night.

If you are leav­ing a vehi­cle in Deep Creek Nation­al Park overnight, you must pay a one-off vehi­cle day entry fee for camp­ing in the park. Vehi­cles may only be parked at day vis­i­tor areas.

The camp­grounds below are list­ed in geo­graph­i­cal order from Cape Jervis to Vic­tor Harbor.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Wuldi Krikin Ngawanthi (Eagle Waterhole Campground)

(pronounced Wool-dee Krik-ren Ngah-wun-thee)
Located in Deep Creek National Park

Nestled amongst shady gum trees and iconic yaccas, this campground gives a real sense of being in the wilderness. Fern-lined gullies, cascading waterfalls and a spectacular coastline of cliffs and secluded coves are all a short journey from here.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Yapari Ngawanthi (Cliffs Campground)

(pronounced Yah-pah-ree Ngah-wun-thee)
Located in Deep Creek National Park

Set below a canopy of stringybark trees, the campground is a great place to unwind, relax and enjoy the scenery. An elevated platform provides fantastic ocean views over the treetops.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Kurri Ngawanthi (Creek Campground)

(pro­nounced Koor-ee Ngah-wun-thee)
Located in Bal­la­parud­da Creek Recreation Park

Set in between rolling hills and next to Bal­la­parud­da Creek, the camp­ground is a great place to unwind and relax. You’re like­ly to hear a sym­pho­ny of frogs when the creek is flow­ing, as the healthy envi­ron­ment here sup­ports sev­er­al species. This loca­tion is the site of the for­mer Balquhid­der Campsite.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Natunyuru Ngawanthi (Sand Dunes Campground)

(pro­nounced Nut-un-yoo-roo Ngah-wun-thee)
Locat­ed in New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park

Sur­round­ed by coastal white mallee, this camp­ground pro­vides a seclud­ed area to relax after tra­vers­ing the coastal cliffs or long sandy beach­es. The mallee canopy pro­vides a per­fect envi­ron­ment for the small orchids that thrive here and the echid­nas that wan­der through search­ing for their next meal.

Drive-in campgrounds

Drive-in campgrounds are located along or near the Wild South Coast Way in Deep Creek National Park at Cobbler Hill, Trig and Tapanappa, and at Waitpinga in Newland Head Conservation Park.

These camp­grounds include:

  • Water­less toi­lets (flush­ing toi­lets at Waitpinga)
  • Allo­cat­ed camp­sites (unal­lo­cat­ed at Waitpinga)
  • Some sites suit­able for camper trail­ers and caravans
  • Fire pits at Cob­bler Hill, Trig and Tapanap­pa (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply)
  • Gas bar­be­cue at Waitpinga.

An addi­tion­al camp­ground is locat­ed in Deep Creek Nation­al Park at Stringy­bark. This camp­ground is not con­nect­ed via walk­ing trails to the Wild South Coast Way. It includes flush­ing toi­lets, hot show­ers, allo­cat­ed camp­sites, most sites are suit­able for camper trail­ers or small car­a­vans, and fire pits (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).


Accommodation is available both within Deep Creek National Park, and in the surrounding area.

Self-con­­tained accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able in Deep Creek Nation­al Park, near the Wild South Coast Way and is man­aged by South­ern Ocean Retreats.

South­ern Ocean Retreats
Phone: (+618) 85984169
South­ern Ocean Retreats 

Oth­er types of accom­mo­da­tion, rang­ing from off-grid cab­ins to lux­u­ry retreats, are avail­able out­side of the park — vis­it the South Aus­tralia tourism web­site or the Fleurieu Penin­su­la web­site. Some accom­mo­da­tion providers offer shut­tle ser­vices to the Wild South Coast Way.