Seal Bay guided tour

Seal Bay guided tour

Before you book

Click here to book now

Please con­sid­er dri­ving times and con­di­tions when choos­ing your tour time and ensure you arrive 15 min­utes before tour departure.

Seal Bay guid­ed tours are now book­able online up to the day before your intend­ed tour (board­walk avail­able for walk-in only). Please ensure you book your tour to avoid dis­ap­point­ment. To check for last-minute avail­abil­i­ty please call the site.

Please check that you have select­ed the cor­rect time, date and num­ber of peo­ple before con­firm­ing your book­ing — thank you!

If you would like a pri­vate expe­ri­ence, please con­tact the site on 0447 607 493 or sealbay@​sa.​gov.​au. Pri­vate guide fees apply.

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to Seal Bay!

There are no enclo­sures or cages at Seal Bay. Instead, you will be tak­en into the heart of the colony where our expe­ri­enced guides will teach you about the Aus­tralian sea lion. There is nowhere else in the world where you can lis­ten to an expert give you their unique insight into how these endan­gered ani­mals hunt, surf, rest, inter­act with their pups and defend their territory.

This is a 45 minute walk­ing tour you’ll fol­low a board­walk through the dune sys­tem to the beach, and on the way you will have breath­tak­ing views of the colony and the majes­tic coastline.

Our guides have made study­ing the mag­nif­i­cent Aus­tralian sea lion their life’s work. A guid­ed beach tour does not fol­low a stan­dard­ised script. Instead your guide will be inter­pret­ing sea lion behav­iour and what’s hap­pen­ing in the colony – at that very moment. They’ll make sure every­one is safe and keep you at an appro­pri­ate dis­tance (no clos­er than 10 metres), mak­ing sure the sea lions do not feel threat­ened by human presence.

This is a tru­ly excep­tion­al wildlife expe­ri­ence not to be missed. The fee for the Seal Bay Expe­ri­ence also includes access to the board­walk so you are able to see every­thing Seal Bay has to offer

Tour times

Tour times: 9:15am, 10:00am, 10.45am, 11.30am, 12.15pm, 1:15pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm
Dura­tion: 45 min­utes

* Com­mer­cial Tour Oper­a­tors please con­tact sealbay@​sa.​gov.​au for avail­able times.

Click here to book now


  • Adult: $42.00
  • Concession*: $33.50
  • Child: $23.70
  • Family**: $110.00
  • School group tour (per student, max 25 students): $21.10

* Con­ces­sion — Seniors Card, SA State Con­ces­sion Card, Health Care Card, full-time Aus­tralian sec­ondary or ter­tiary stu­dent card and Com­mon­wealth Seniors Health Ben­e­fit Card or Pen­sion­er Con­ces­sion Card.
** Fam­i­ly — 2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 chil­dren. Any addi­tion­al chil­dren to be charged at 50% of child rate.