Research Tour

Research Tour

Expe­ri­ence Seal Bay like nev­er before. This behind-the-scenes tour is guar­an­teed to make it onto buck­et-lists every­where and become a high­light of any trip to Kan­ga­roo Island.

This is the first time our guests have been giv­en such exclu­sive access to the research that is cur­rent­ly under­way to help mon­i­tor the Aus­tralian sea lion. This tour is con­duct­ed by our expe­ri­enced senior guides and can be cus­tomised to take place at either sun­rise or sunset.

Guests will learn about the lat­est research being con­duct­ed, dis­cov­er how the research equip­ment is used, learn meth­ods of scan­ning sea lions and col­lect valu­able data to enter into a sci­en­tif­ic app that sends vital infor­ma­tion straight to the South Aus­tralian Research & Devel­op­ment Insti­tute (SAR­DI).

There will also be plen­ty of time to take pho­tos and enjoy your exclu­sive access to the park. 

Tour Details:

Num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: Min­i­mum 2, max­i­mum 6 guests
Dura­tion of Tour:1 hour & 45 minute tour

Please be at the Vis­i­tor Cen­tre 15 min­utes before tour com­mence­ment.

Inclu­sions: Entry onto the board­walk before or after the tour (depend­ing on tour tim­ings).
Con­sid­er­a­tions: This tour does involve a steep hill, approx­i­mate­ly 40 stairs and walk­ing on soft sand. Please dis­cuss this with us if you think it could be prob­lem­at­ic for any­one in your group.

Find out more here. 

Ticket Price

  • $344.00 per person (Minimum age 16 years)

How to secure your booking:

Book­ings for this tour are essen­tial, if you would like to book please con­tact one of our team on (08) 8553 4463 dur­ing busi­ness hours or email sealbay@​sa.​gov.​au with the below information:

  • Request­ed date of tour
  • Num­ber of people
  • Aus­tralian con­tact num­ber and/​or email (please note recep­tion is lim­it­ed on the island).

Book­ing Conditions:

  • Pre-pay­ment by cred­it card is required to secure your booking.
  • Tour not avail­able on Pub­lic Holidays.
  • Tour is appro­pri­ate for peo­ple aged 16 years or above.
  • Can­cel­la­tions by a cus­tomer require a min­i­mum of 5 days’ notice for a full refund. Can­cel­la­tions short­er than this peri­od will not be refund­ed. If a refund is autho­rised it will be processed with­in 28 days of tour date.
  • Man­age­ment reserve the right to can­cel tours for safe­ty rea­sons at any time. Can­cel­la­tions may occur due to Total Fire Ban days, extreme weath­er or oth­er con­di­tions out­side of the park’s con­trol. You will be noti­fied if this is to occur and will be invit­ed to resched­ule or refund­ed in full.
  • This tour can­not be used in con­junc­tion with a Kan­ga­roo Island Parks Pass.
  • Please wear appro­pri­ate cloth­ing and footwear based on weath­er forecasts.
  • Please ensure you arrive at Seal Bay Vis­i­tor Cen­tre with plen­ty of time to com­mence the tour (rec­om­mend­ed 15 min­utes before sched­uled tour time). Sun­rise tour requires guests to be at Seal Bay gates 15 min­utes before tour commencement.
  • The Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water will not be respon­si­ble for any injuries or dam­age suf­fered unless the injury or dam­age was a direct result of the Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water’s neg­li­gent act or omission.
  • Par­tic­i­pants must fol­low all instruc­tions giv­en by Seal Bay guides for safe­ty and ani­mal wel­fare reasons.
  • It is an expec­ta­tion that guests who book this tour have a mod­er­ate lev­el of fitness.