Boardwalk self-guided tour

Boardwalk self-guided tour

Board­walk self-guid­ed tour

Take a stroll along our 900 metre board­walk (return). It mean­ders through lime­stone cliffs and dunes, and show­cas­es the stun­ning coastal scenery for which Seal Bay is famous. Along the way you’ll stop at view­ing plat­forms to watch Aus­tralian sea-lions surf­ing the waves or sun­ning them­selves on the beach.

The Board­walk Tour is self-guid­ed, which means you can set your own pace. It is ful­ly wheel­chair acces­si­ble and there are inter­pre­tive signs along the way where you’ll learn about the habits and behav­iour of the Aus­tralian sea lion, such as hunt­ing, rest­ing and repro­duc­tion. The look­out offers amaz­ing views of Cape Gantheaume and the wilder­ness area.

The Board­walk Tour gives you a great view over the sand dunes where the sea lions rest and play. Some­times, in the cold­er months when the sea lions move fur­ther up the beach for warmth, you may see them lying right next to the boardwalk.

This tour lets you take things at your own pace – per­fect if you’re on a tight sched­ule, or if you want to take all day.

Tour times

Tour times: This tour can be tak­en at any time while the park is open (last entry 4.00pm).
Dura­tion: 45 minute time lim­it dur­ing busy times. Allow half hour to ful­ly expe­ri­ence our boardwalk. 


  • Adult: $19.10
  • Concession*: $15.30
  • Child: $11.60
  • Family**: $52.00
  • School group (per student): $9.60

* Con­ces­sion - Seniors Card, SA State Con­ces­sion Card, Health Care Card, full-time Aus­tralian sec­ondary or ter­tiary stu­dent card and Com­mon­wealth Seniors Health Ben­e­fit Card or Pen­sion­er Con­ces­sion Card.
** Fam­i­ly - 2 adults & 2 chil­dren OR 1 adult & 3 chil­dren. Any addi­tion­al chil­dren to be charged at 50% of child rate.